Grab my new series, "Lust and Love in High Society", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Lady Tabitha’s breath gave a small hitch, her pulse jumping as Cassius closed the door to the parlour. She reached behind and curled her fingers over the edge of an ornately carved rosewood table. Cassius, the Earl of Fatherton, strode towards her. He cut a handsome figure framed only by the shadows and silvery moonlight streaming through the windows. She drank in the sight of him with her eyes—the golden curls that framed his handsome face, sly blue eyes, chiselled jaw …
Her face grew hot. She forced an easy smile, trying to feign nonchalance despite the maelstrom of heat and excitement stirring in her chest. His body was a work of art. He had broad shoulders that tapered to a trim waist that most men would envy, and Tabitha knew that no padding was involved to achieve his impressive physique—not with this man.
“At last,” Cassius said. “I feared we would never be able to sneak away unnoticed.”
Tabitha’s lips curved into a small smile. “So impatient. There have been only three dances thus far. The night is yet young.”
“Each song felt like an eternity to me,” Cassius replied.
“Really? So long?”
He placed a hand on each side of her and smiled. Cassius was near enough that she smelled his cologne. The soft, intoxicating scent of Bay Rum filled her senses with every breath.
“You look so lovely tonight,” he continued. “When I saw you across the room—your blonde hair threaded with those little blue flowers and your white gown—I was certain that I was gazing on the goddess Aphrodite.”
Tabitha’s toes curled in her shoes. “And are you Ares come to greet me?”
“If you like,” he murmured. “I will be whoever brings you the most pleasure, My Lady.”
Cassius raised a hand, the gesture nearly reverent. He caressed the base of her neck, the feather-light touch sending lightning curving down the path of Tabitha’s spine. Her fingers tightened around the edge of the table. She heard the faint rustling of fabric as his pants brushed against her gown.
“I should like to kiss you,” he murmured, his breath coming in a hot puff of air against her neck.
Their lips met, and Tabitha wrapped her arms around Cassius’s neck. With a strong arm, Cassius ensnared her waist and pulled her flush against him. Tabitha moaned into his mouth, savouring the scent and feeling of him. “I love you,” he whispered, trailing kisses from her jaw to her throat. “I love you so much. You are perfect.”
“I am not perfect,” she replied, her protestation coming in a nearly breathless rasp. “You praise me too highly.”
He chuckled, his lips a hairsbreadth above her clavicle. “No, my praise is well-deserved,” he whispered. “I can scarcely wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“I know,” Tabitha whispered, curling her fingers in his hair. “I feel the same way. I have wanted a love match my entire life and am so lucky to have found you.”
She gazed earnestly at him with her soft, grey eyes. He kissed her jaw. “We are going to be married soon, so it is no sin to have a more amorous congress.”
The muscles in Tabitha’s stomach tightened. She should not agree to that. Even appearing together unchaperoned and in a darkened parlour was enough to ruin a young lady’s reputation. Kissing was more scandalous, but Tabitha was willing to chance a few stolen kisses in the dark. She and Cassius had snuck away several times. They had yet to be caught, but to Tabitha, it seemed inevitable that someone would catch them in a compromising position. She should not have let Cassius take her into the dark and empty parlour. It was unwise.
However, Tabitha could not deny the fissure of excitement that she felt all the way in her core when she and Cassius had their dalliances. His presence was intoxicating, and Tabitha found herself drawn to him despite the danger her reputation might suffer. His hands settled on her waist, then drifted lower.
“Wait!” she gasped against his mouth.
His lips pressed against her shoulder, and Tabitha’s whole body went rigid at the feeling of his lips on her bare skin. “Why wait?” he murmured. “It is apparent that you enjoy my affections. I can bring you pleasure greater than any that you have ever before experienced.”
A lump lodged in Tabitha’s throat. She uncurled her fingers from the edge of the table and tried to slip around it. Cassius moved with her, his hands roaming over her back, her waist, her shoulders—
The back of her knees struck something hard, and Tabitha fell backwards onto a settee, but Cassius did not cease his hot kisses even then. He straddled her waist and kissed her throat. His fingers fumbled with the sleeves of her gown, and Tabitha’s heart beat so fiercely that its echo reverberated inside her head. This was too much and too fast.
He pulled down the bodice of her gown, revealing her stays and chemise. Tabitha curled her fingers over his shoulders as he leaned over her. He was so large and strong, and his weight against her body felt right. But everything was muddled together, the war of whether to relent or resist waging violently in Tabitha’s mind. At last, something within her seemed to break. She planted her palms against Cassius’s chest and pushed him back.
“Wait!” she gasped. “We—we cannot do this. We will be married, but we are not wed yet.”
Her chest heaved, and her breasts strained against her stays. Cool air rushed over her bare skin, warring with the heat building in her core.
“It will only be another week,” Cassius said. “No one will ever need to know about this indiscretion. I love you so much, Tabitha, that I cannot bear to be apart from you for another minute. Trust me, and I will make you so happy tonight. And you will make me so happy. Is that not what you want?”
“Of course, it is.” Her breath came in an uneven shudder of air. “More than anything, I want us both to be happy, but—but this …”
She became aware of the hardness pressed against her stomach. Tabitha had heard of such things before. Although her maidenhood was still intact, she knew well what transpired between a husband and wife on their wedding night. It was an amorous congress.
Cassius lowered his head to her breasts, trailing hot kisses against her chest. Tabitha shook her head and twisted beneath him. “We must wait,” she said. “It pains me to say it, but we must. We—”
The door opened, and laughter and music flittered into the room. Tabitha froze, her body going rigid beneath Cassius. “Oh!”
Cassius sat upright, his legs straddling Tabitha’s waist. Her heartbeat quickened, and she hastened to bring some order to her appearance. Tabitha pulled at her dress, but Cassius’s weight kept the fabric pinned in place, making it difficult to push the sleeves onto her shoulders once again.
“What are you doing here?” Cassius asked, his voice ringing with authority.
Something fell to the ground, accompanied by a peal of anxious laughter. A man stumbled drunkenly, silhouetted against the wall. Tabitha wilted against the settee, trying to hide herself. The room was dark, with furniture between them and the door. Maybe their visitor would not see them.
But Cassius had just spoken. What if their unexpected visitor had recognized his voice?
Cold dread traced the path of Tabitha’s spine, her mind whirling with what would happen if she were recognized. Even if she and Cassius were a love match and intended to be wed, they were not married yet. They were not even engaged yet; Cassius had told her he wanted a long romantic courtship and a special proposal. There would be a scandal if the ton learned about what they were doing and had almost done.
“Is that you, Fatherton?”
The drunk man stumbled and fell into the table. He laughed sheepishly and held out his hands for balance.
“Leave!” Cassius snapped.
“Fine! Apologies for interrupting you! Have an enjoyable evening, Fatherton. Lady Victoria.”
Lady Victoria?
Tabitha frowned, her mind racing. She knew Lady Victoria—very distantly. The pair seldom spoke, but they had sometimes attended the same soirees and balls. Their drunken visitor stumbled from the room, shutting the door with far more force than necessary behind him. The sound reverberated through the room.
“Ashmont,” Cassius said, sounding vexed. “He always arrives at the worst moments.”
Tabitha shifted beneath Cassius, managing to free herself from beneath him. “Lady Victoria,” she said tightly. “Why would he assume that I am Lady Victoria?”
“Well, he was obviously just mistaken,” Cassius said.
Tabitha awkwardly managed to slip over the side of the settee. She stumbled to her feet and tried futilely to return some order to her gown. Cassius remained on the settee, staring at her with a startled expression.
“You are lying,” Tabitha said.
She was not normally so forward, but when those words left her mouth, she heard and believed the truth ringing in them. That drunken lord—Ashmont, Cassius had said—would have no reason to suspect that she was Lady Victoria unless Cassius and Lady Victoria had been involved with one another.
“Why did he assume I was Lady Victoria?”
Cassius flashed her a bright smile. “My dearest Tabitha, he was a drunk man! I am surprised he even recognized me.”
Tabitha shook her head. She wanted to believe him. Desperately wanted to believe him. But when she searched her heart, she could not manage it. “No!” she exclaimed. “No, you—you are not being honest with me.”
The more she thought about the situation, the worse she felt. Had she not asked him to stop when he tried to disrobe her and let his hands roam over her body? Tabitha shivered, her mind racing with so many thoughts that she could scarcely identify them.
“I swear I am faithful to you,” Cassius said, “and only you. I love you more than I have ever loved any woman.”
“Except for Lady Victoria,” Tabitha said, “who—who your friend assumed you would be with.”
Had Cassius dishonoured that other young lady? Had they been nearing engagement?
“How long has it been since you last saw her? Did you do this with her?” Tabitha asked, her hand sweeping towards the settee.
Her face felt hot. Some small part of Tabitha wondered if she was a hypocrite. She had enjoyed sneaking around dark places with Cassius and had delighted in it even, but the thought that he might have engaged in such behaviour with another young lady made her feel as if her heart were shattered into a thousand pieces.
“No,” Cassius said. “I have not done anything like this with anyone. Why do you doubt me?”
Tabitha shook her head. A strange numbness settled over her. She still did not believe him. “I am sorry,” she said, “but I—I need to think.”
She bolted for the door, just as it opened. Tabitha drew in a sharp breath of air as she stared into her mother’s wide blue eyes. “Tabitha!” her mother exclaimed.
Tabitha halted, trapped and caught entirely unaware. “I—I can explain,” Tabitha stammered.
But how could she? Her mother had just found her in a dark room with Cassius, and although Tabitha had straightened her dress as best as she could, she still suspected that it looked a little as if she had been doing something untoward.
Cassius cleared his throat. “I can assure you that nothing disgraceful occurred, Lady Mayhew.”
“And I am sure you are aware of how this appears,” Tabitha’s mother said.
“Nothing happened,” Tabitha said quickly, her stomach lurching so violently that she feared she might be ill. “There is no need to tell anyone about what has transpired. This was all just a misunderstanding, was it not?”
Tabitha’s mother, Lady Mayhew, gazed at her daughter with an unreadable expression. “I suppose it was.”
Chapter One
This room belonged to the Duke of Hillsburgh, meaning it was far too late for Tabitha to flee. For a blissful moment, though, she imagined it. She could rise to her feet, scream with reckless abandon, and run from this magnificent townhouse. That would certainly be a scandal, likely resulting in both of her long-suffering parents sending her to the country for a very long time. Perhaps that would be preferable, but Tabitha knew she could not hide away forever. Ladies of her status could not lead a single life hidden from the world.
Tabitha fidgeted with her gloves, picking at a loose thread near her fingertip. It was unwise to pick at her gloves, but Tabitha supposed it was preferable to fidgeting with her nails. She had the most dreadful habit of picking at loose skin with her nails and picking and pulling until she made herself bleed. It was not a habit that suited a young lady at all.
But then, young ladies do not act as I do.
That disgraceful night with Cassius still burned like a fire within her. It seemed impossible that it had only been two weeks since that terrible event. Tabitha felt like those few minutes had changed her life forever.
Tabitha’s mother sat on the settee beside her and placed a hand over her daughter’s. “Tabby Cat,” she said. “Calm yourself. You act as if you have never had a suitor before.”
Tabitha winced. Her mother was right; Tabitha had many suitors before. Often, those visits began with her mother, her father, and herself seated in the parlour together and waiting. Her most recent suitor had been Cassius, and even though she knew that she ought to detest him—for making her uncomfortable, for seemingly dishonouring another young woman, for lying, for not even offering to hasten their wedding after that night together to stave away further scandal, and for fleeing to the country the very next morning after that terrible night—she found that she could not. Tabitha was too kind or weak and could not determine which it was.
“I apologize, Mother,” Tabitha said. “You are right.”
“You must be on your best behaviour,” Lady Mayhew said, her voice softening with sympathy. “We need to please His Grace.”
“I know.”
Tabitha forced a smile. It would be practice for meeting His Grace. This mess was one of her own making. Even though no one had yet spoken about the terrible night, Lord and Lady Mayhew had both noted that Cassius could still say something and if he did, Tabitha’s reputation would be in tatters. It was for the best that she wed quickly before Cassius told anyone. Once Tabitha was wed, she would not need to worry about how to find a husband, and it would matter significantly less what Cassius might say.
Still, it was humiliating being sold off to the highest bidder and forced into such a quick engagement with a stranger. It was impossible not to feel like an animal being sold at the market, even if the potential buyer was a duke with a large estate in the country, a townhouse in London, and the most tastefully furnished rooms she had ever seen in her life. She wondered if they were decorated to suit his tastes or those of his mother, the Dowager Duchess of Hillsburgh, who was said to be a woman with impeccable aesthetic tastes.
“Well,” Lord Mayhew, her father, said. “You do still have the chance to refuse him.”
Tabitha glanced at her father. He said that. Perhaps he even meant it. Still, Tabitha knew that there were risks to remaining unwed, and she did not foresee Cassius doing the honourable thing and marrying her. She did not know she would accept such a proposal even if he had been willing. He had claimed that he loved her more than any other woman and had never felt such strong affection for anyone else, and yet when found in the parlour with her, it was not she who was his expected companion, but Lady Victoria.
“His Grace is a respectable suitor,” Lady Mayhew said.
“Indeed,” Lord Mayhew replied, casting his wife a stern look over Tabitha’s head. “However, it is also said that he is a cold man, and Tabitha has always desired a love match.”
That night with Cassius seemed to loom silently between them, and Tabitha saw a silent war of wills in her parents’ gazes. Tabitha suspected that her indiscretion with Cassius had resulted in a quarrel between them.
“Perhaps the duke will prove to be a love match,” Lady Mayhew said. “Ours was an arranged marriage, if you have forgotten.”
“I have not.”
“And we are both happy with one another,” Lady Mayhew continued. “Who is to say that our Tabby Cat will not also find happiness with His Grace? Besides, His Grace has reason to be cold. I am certain that any man would be made a little jaded by the loss of both his wife and daughter. I heard he was terribly distraught by their disappearance.”
Tabitha had only been a girl of eight when the Duke of Hillsburgh’s wife and daughter disappeared. She vaguely remembered the rumours, though, of the distraught duke. The ton suspected that the Duchess of Hillsburgh and their daughter had been abducted to extort ransoms from His Grace, but the ransoms never arrived. After two years, the Duchess of Hillsburgh and her young daughter were declared dead. Since then, His Grace had become a recluse. He seldom left his estate and never attended the ton’s functions.
He was still a duke, though, and had a duty to produce an heir. Rumours had swirled that he might consider a marriage of convenience to obtain an heir, and while Tabitha had not expected that he would choose her, she found the prospect of marrying him beneficial enough to try. With a cold and reclusive man, there was no danger of her falling in love with him or developing feelings for him. She would never make another error like she had with Cassius.
“I am confident this will be a good match,” Tabitha said. “I am honoured that he would extend such an honour to me, given how many beautiful women there are in the ton.”
Women like Lady Victoria. A mingling of anger and despair swept over Tabitha when she thought of the other woman, and a small part of her knew that her fury was misplaced. Lady Victoria had likely only done as Tabitha had; she had fallen in love with Cassius, a charming and handsome man. Still, Tabitha could not deny that thoughts of Lady Victoria—with her doe-like brown eyes and thick, dark curls—inspired the worst feelings within her.
The parlour maid entered the room and curtsied. “The Dowager Duchess of Hillsburgh.”
Tabitha straightened her spine. Her Grace had arrived, but what of the duke?
She and her parents stood, exchanging the proper pleasantries as the Dowager Duchess of Hillsburgh entered. She was a stately, severe-looking woman with sharp, aristocratic features emphasized by her grey hair, always pulled tightly back. She wore a fashionable green gown, which Tabitha gazed at admiringly.
“It has been some time since we last spoke,” Her Grace said, smiling at Lady Mayhew. “I am so glad for your visit today.”
She said that as if they were merely making a polite, cursory visit and not as if Tabitha’s entire future was to be decided for her. Well, not entirely decided for her. It was not as if Tabitha were unable to refuse. She could, but she was too aware of the potential consequences of rejecting the Duke of Hillsburgh.
“Indeed,” Tabitha’s mother replied, “although I always appreciate our correspondence. I have the deepest appreciation for a well-crafted letter.”
The Dowager Duchess of Hillsburgh’s expression brightened. It was known to everyone that Her Grace was of a literary inclination and took great pride in her penmanship and elegant phrases. Tabitha had heard that the Dowager Duchess of Hillsburgh agonized over every choice of wording; she never used a careless phrase or awkwardly placed word.
The woman’s sharp eyes turned towards Tabitha, who felt warmth flood her face. Although she was a well-bred lady and had been taught how to manage a household, having this stately and proper woman gaze at her with such a critical expression was still intimidating. At last, something in Her Grace’s gaze seemed to soften. “And this is the lovely Lady Tabitha.”
Tabitha curtsied. “Your Grace.”
They seated themselves—Tabitha between her parents and the Dowager Duchess of Hillsburgh opposite them. There was enough room for His Grace to seat himself beside his mother if he ever arrived. Tabitha resisted the urge to fidget with her gloves. Surely, he would be present here. They were to discuss his marriage, after all. This was their first meeting before the wedding, and surely, His Grace did not intend to miss it. Tabitha thought about asking where he was but felt that would be impolite. After all, this was His Grace’s townhouse, and he would join them when it pleased him.
“It has been some time since we hosted a ball,” the Dowager Duchess said. “I must tell you that I have delighted in making all the arrangements.”
“I am most glad,” Lady Mayhew said. “Do inform me if you desire any assistance, Your Grace. I would be delighted to help your efforts, and I am sure my dear Tabitha would, also.”
It was just a ball; at least, that was what the ton believed. Tabitha knew that if this meeting went well, though, that ball would be the occasion when His Grace announced their engagement to all of London. Her heartbeat quickened at the thought. She wondered if Cassius would be in attendance and if so, how he would receive the news. Would he be regretful? Betrayed? Tabitha forced down the lump in her throat, her grey eyes darting towards the doorway. The Duke of Hillsburgh had yet to arrive.
What if he had changed his mind on the matter and decided that she was an unacceptable bride? Surely, that could not be so, or the Dowager Duchess would not spend her evening speaking to them as if everything were fine. She was a gracious woman and surely would have informed them very politely that His Grace had decided to forego the engagement after all.
“I believe I have the ball well-handled,” the Dowager Duchess replied, “but if I decide that I have not, I shall certainly tell you.”
Tabitha, whose eyes were on the door, saw His Grace before he even entered the room. He was an impressive, towering figure with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Black curls of hair framed his temples, and his eyes were the green of springtime. He was devastatingly handsome, dashing, and fit, which was especially impressive given his age. She knew he must be nearing forty, but Tabitha had always appreciated older men. They were wise and better-mannered than those young rakehells that comprised much of the ton.
As he entered, they rose. Tabitha’s heart hammered against her ribs; he was as handsome as Cassius, if not more so. She had assumed that the reclusive Duke of Hillsburgh might appear like a hermit, like a medieval illustration of a madman living in the woods, but he was certainly the opposite. She stepped forward in greeting and stumbled over the hem of her gown. A hot flush spread across her face as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. His eyes never left her face, and Tabitha knew a mortifying flush must have spread across her countenance.
“Your Grace,” she said, her voice wavering beneath his intense stare.
She had never seen such green eyes in her entire life. They gave him a vaguely cat-like appearance, and she felt as if she were being scrutinized. It was as if His Grace could see all the way down to her soul, and she had a sneaking, dreadful suspicion that he found her profoundly lacking.
“The Wicked Duke’s Convenient Bride” is an Amazon Best-Selling novel, check it out here!
Caught in a compromising position with a rakish Lord, Lady Tabitha Mayhew’s reputation teeters on the brink of ruin. Abandoned by the Lord and with scandal looming, Tabitha seeks a loveless and convenient marriage to protect her name and heart. Yet, soon a solution comes in the enigmatic Duke of Hillsburgh, a seductive man with mystery surrounding his past and name. As their settled match evolves though, Tabitha’s world will unexpectedly burst into passion.
Can her new husband teach her wounded heart how to beat again?
Matthew, the Duke of Hillsburgh, has long since locked away his heart. Twelve years ago, his beloved wife vanished without a trace, leaving him consumed by a relentless quest for answers and an empty dukedom in desperate need of an heir. When a marriage offer to the fiery Lady Tabitha appears, Matthew sees a chance to secure his legacy without the complications of love. However, from their first glance, a spark within him threatens to melt the ice around his heart.
If only his desire for his new wife could cast away his past…
As their wedding day approaches, an undeniable attraction between them grows, with Tabitha and Matthew having burning feelings they can no longer deny. However, as Matthew’s unresolved grief over his missing wife collides with his sizzling love for Tabitha, their marriage is put to the test. When secrets unfold and past betrayals resurface, can these two wounded souls leave their troubles behind and fill their hearts with riches? Or will the shadows of the past tear them apart forever?
“The Wicked Duke’s Convenient Bride” is a historical romance novel of approximately 60,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.
Grab my new series, "Lust and Love in High Society", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
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