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Late March 1818, the start of the London Season…
This man is going to be the death of me.
Miss Regina Townsend tried to hide her sigh as she nodded at yet another horse anecdote. Riding seemed to be something that Hugh Mulgrave was rather fond of, that and his many hunting trophies. At twenty-two, she had been exposed to many aspects of social life, but Riding and hunting hadn’t been part of her interests.
Sitting up straight with her hands firmly clasped in her lap, she hoped that the young man wouldn’t be able to tell how bored she really was. Her chestnut hair had been pinned to the back of her head in an elaborate style for the occasion, and her mother had chosen a light green day dress that matched her hazel eyes.
“I do hope you will accompany me when next we go on a hunt. If that is not too presumptuous of me to say. I can’t think of anyone else who I’d rather have at my side.” Hugh Mulgrave lifted his head proudly, making his uncommonly sharp nose pierce the air. His dark brown eyes almost appeared black to her as he sat to her left in a pale pink armchair.
“That’s such a lovely invitation, my lord,” Louisa Townsend spoke up when it became clear that her daughter wasn’t paying the slightest bit of attention. Unlike her eldest daughter, Louisa possessed golden blonde hair and a much slimmer figure compared to Regina’s curves which made her stand out in whatever dress she wore.
Why is it always carnations?
Regina gazed at the vase full of bright pink carnations. It wasn’t that she hated the flowers; she just preferred violets. Hugh Mulgrave had paid her several visits since her father had thrown them together, and he always brought her the same bouquet of pink carnations. The young man seemed more than pleased with the idea of courting, yet Regina couldn’t help but feel as if they weren’t quite right for one another.
As the eldest daughter of the Townsend family, she knew that making a good match rested squarely upon her shoulders. While the eldest son of a viscount wasn’t anything to scoff at, she still couldn’t muster up the enthusiasm that everyone else felt. Her two younger sisters, who were equal to her in beauty, seemed to gain a fair amount of pleasure when teasing her with the matter.
“Do you like your flowers, Miss Regina?” Hugh suddenly broke through her thoughts. At thirty-three, he wasn’t a great deal older than her, but he didn’t seem to be able to hold her attention for very long.
“I beg your pardon?” She sat up straight, trying to give the impression that she hadn’t just drifted off. Her slender yet curvaceous figure helped her gain an inch of height as she straightened her shoulders.
Louisa cleared her throat. “Lord Hugh was just asking if you like your flowers.” Her mother made a subtle gesture toward the vase that stood on a table beside the pianoforte. Her matching hazel eyes shot Regina a warning.
Louisa’s youngest sister, Sophia, stifled a giggle and kept her gaze fixed on the cushion she was embroidering with tiny violets. She, too, possessed their father’s chestnut hair while her eyes had taken on a deeper greyish blue. It was the middle daughter, Lucy, who looked like their mother with the same blonde hair and hazel eyes.
At least someone knows what I like.
Regina fixed her smile and turned back to Hugh. “They are lovely, thank you, my lord. I apologize if it seemed as if I was distracted.”
Hugh lifted his head high again, his dark eyes twinkling with pride. His sandy brown hair seemed to reflect different shades of red in the bright morning light filtering through the drawing-room window. “Yes, I do pride myself on being able to tell what kind of flowers women would like. It’s a little gift I feel as if I possess.”
“Clearly, you are very good at it, my lord.” Regina attempted to keep the conversation going. Although she felt as if she and Hugh didn’t have much in common, she knew that the match was an important one for her family. Arthur Townsend was a prominent merchant who had worked very hard to secure their family’s standing amongst the ton despite their lack of peerage.
It was Lucy Townsend who attempted to hide her giggle by sipping her tea.
Withering a little under her mother’s glare, Regina attempted to salvage the conversations. “Tell me, my lord, do you enjoy reading? I must say that I am utterly thrilled with the latest Jane Austen novel. Have you heard of her?”
Hugh seemed to think quite deeply for a moment as his matching reddish-brown eyebrows knitted together in a deep frown. “I can’t say that I care very much for reading, but then again, who has the time when there are so many fun activities such as hunting and riding” He laughed quite loudly, making her sisters both look up from their positions on the opposite settee.
“Yes, quite,” Louisa agreed with a forced smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
Even my mother can see how dull he is.
“In fact, that does remind me of this interesting little story that one of my friends told me. You know how close we men can get when we hunt…” He stopped in the middle of his sentence when both Lucy and Sophia giggled.
“Is there something amusing that the two of you wish to share with all of us?” Louisa pursed her lips in disapproval and narrowed her eyes at her daughters.
“Not at all, Mama. Lucy and I were just discussing tonight’s ball. Everyone is absolutely buzzing with excitement. There had been gossip about one of the dukes who would be in attendance. If the rumors are to be believed, nobody has seen him in years!” Sophia exclaimed excitedly, her greyish eyes sparkling mischievously.
Hugh seemed intrigued yet tried to convey a tone of disinterest as he turned to the youngest daughter. “Yes, I have heard these rumors. It would seem that the Duke of Redham is finally going to make an appearance after many years of hiding.”
“Hiding, why was the duke hiding?” Regina finally found herself interested in something the man was saying.
Her interest seemed to spark something in Hugh as he hungrily licked over his lips and focused on her. The hungry way his eyes swept over her body left her with a slight feeling of discomfort in the pit of her stomach, yet she tried her best not to show it.
“Haven’t you heard? The man is simply ghoulish, his skin is paler than milk from the years he’s hidden away from the public. He’s spent quite a few years abroad in an attempt to escape the gossip concerning his wife,” Hugh excitedly informed her as if he relished the gossip.
Lucy and Sophia both gasped scandalously and raised their gloved hands to their mouths. Regina and even their mother could tell that the girls were fanning scandal in an attempt to keep him talking. Louisa had often chastised the girls for listening to gossip, but it never seemed to have any kind of effect on their behavior.
“I do not wish to frighten such delicate flowers as you all so clearly are, yet I would be amiss if I did not warn you all to stay away from the man. It has long been said that the duke was involved in his wife’s untimely demise.” Hugh seemed pleased with himself and smirked when Lucy and Sophia turned to one another in mock surprise.
Regina rolled her eyes at the way Hugh had delivered the story, yet she couldn’t help but feel intrigued by such a mysterious man.
I wonder what he looks like.
She felt a strange fluttering sensation in her chest when she began to picture a pale man with soulful eyes and possibly even a few scars. Biting the inside of her cheek, she began to wonder if there would be an occasion for her to speak to him if he did attend the ball.
Lucy perked up a little and took the scandal sheet from her sister’s hands. “There is also the scintillating gossip about all the affairs going on behind closed doors. Lady Rutherford was seen with a gentleman who was most certainly not her husband, while he was away on business.” She blushed a little and averted her gaze from Hugh.
Regina felt a small rush of adrenaline at the mention of such sordid topics. She’d never been kissed by a man, yet she wondered how exciting it would be to feel an undeniable attraction that couldn’t be ignored. The pit of her stomach knotted deliciously as she wondered how it would feel to have a man she was interested in court her.
The scenario certainly felt more appealing to her than the lack of attraction between her and Hugh.
“Do you think the duke will take a lover while he is here?” Sophia’s eyes shone mischievously as it became evident to Regina that she was trying to tease Lord Hugh.
Hugh cleared his throat uncomfortably as his ears turned a deep shade of red.
“That’s enough now, girls,” Louisa admonished her daughters when they began to giggle. “I thank you for your warning, my lord, but such topics are not suitable for impressionable young ladies. And if I may, it is known that the duke’s poor wife died from a fever.”
Hugh seemed a little taken aback by the gentle correction but quickly regained his composure. “I apologize, Mrs. Townsend. It was remiss of me to indulge in such scandalous gossip, and you are perfectly warranted in trying to maintain the innocence of your daughters. They are, after all, such delicate flowers.” He repeated the compliment this time while adding a delicious wink aimed at Regina.
Oh, Lord, please help me.
Regina could feel the corner of her mouth twitching as she tried her best not to laugh. She would need to hone her skills in hiding her true feelings if she married the man.
“Oh, heavens, is that the time?” Louisa raised her hand to her cheek and feigned surprise when a maid appeared at the door to announce luncheon. “I would invite you to stay for luncheon, my lord, but I’m sure that you will want to prepare for this evening’s ball.” She stood and politely excused them all, answering Regina’s silent prayer.
“Of course, I was having such a lovely time that I hadn’t realized how late it was. I’m sure you and Miss Regina will want plenty of time to make yourselves ready, not that either of you need it.” He attempted a not-so-secret wink again that forced Regina into yet another forced smile.
“Thank you for your visit, my lord. We will be looking forward to seeing you this evening.” Louisa bid him farewell with a polite curtsy while the girls stood and followed suit.
Lucy and Sophia barely waited for Hugh to disappear down the hall before falling back onto the settee in fits of giggles.
“Stop that this instant, both of you. I can see that I have my work cut out for me still. That is hardly the way to act in front of such a nobleman. Your sister is very lucky that he is even considering courting her. May I remind the two of you that if your sister chooses to marry the eldest son of an earl, it will open many doors for you?” Louisa continued to admonish them sharply, while Regina took her seat.
The morning had dragged on for so long that she felt as if she would faint if she heard another horse or hunting story.
Reaching for the vase of carnations, Lucy plucked a single flower and held it to her chest after standing. “Oh, Miss Regina, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife? I promise to always place you third in my life after horses and hunting,” she exclaimed in a mocking tone.
“That is quite enough!” Louisa scolded her, trying to hide her own amusement.
“Mama, you must admit that Lord Hugh Mulgrave isn’t a particularly interesting man. I will not be rude to him, but surely there are other prominent members of the gentry who would make a better match for me?” Regina chuckled when Lucy fell back on the settee with a smirk.
Louisa gave her a pitying smile. “I understand your hesitation, my dearest, but I do not think you will find another man as prominent as Mr. Mulgrave. Besides, marriage isn’t always built on love. More often than not, people find themselves growing fond of one another in marriage. It is very rare to find a love match if one does exist.”
Her mother’s words did little to ease the burden she carried in her heart. Was it truly not possible to find a match with a man she loved as well as respected? The thought of growing ‘fond’ of someone who spoke of nothing but their own interests for hours on end didn’t give her much hope for the future.
“This is to say if Mr. Mulgrave does wish to marry you. We mustn’t get ahead of ourselves when he hasn’t asked for your hand in marriage.” Her mother advised her with a warm smile.
“Oh, he will, I’m sure he would have asked her today if the timing wasn’t too improper,” Lucy muttered under her breath and bit her lips when their mother shot her a warning glance.
“Now, I do not wish to hear any more of this talk. Regina, we will seek Mr. Mulgrave out this evening, and I expect you to show adequate interest. Entertain his conversation and accept him when he asks for a dance. Even if he does not wish to propose to you in the future, we must not snub the son of an Earl.”
“I understand perfectly, Mama. I will be the picture of duty this evening.” Regina reminded herself of how hard her parents had worked to bring her and her sisters to this point in life. All of their fine education and upbringing had been done to find them all suitable matches.
“I am glad to hear such cheerful voices. Did the meeting with Mr. Mulgrave go well?” Arthur Townsend came into the room and kissed his wife’s cheek before addressing Regina.
The girls all perked up when their father entered the room. They all loved each other dearly, yet Regina had always held a special place for her father, not that she would ever tell her mother.
“It went quite well, Papa. I received carnations again, and Mr. Mulgrave regaled us all with his many stories of horses and hunting.” Regina informed her father, hoping he would detect the subtle hints of sarcasm in her voice.
Arthur however, seemed oblivious to this as he took the seat that Hugh had been sitting in. His chestnut hair was neatly combed to the side, and an impeccably pressed blue coat gave him an air of sophistication. “Very good, and will he be in attendance at this evening’s ball?”
“He will, and he mentioned wanting to see Regina there.” Louisa raised her eyebrows and gave her daughter a warning glance.
“That’s not all, Papa. There is a splendid rumor that the Duke of Redham will be in attendance!” Sophia burst with excitement before she could help herself.
The information caused their father to frown as he ran his hand over the stubble on his chin. His blue eyes seemed to fill with concern. “I sincerely hope he doesn’t attend. We are better off with him hiding abroad. Yet this does confirm my suspicions, upon riding past his family estate this morning, I noted the hustle and bustle of servants.”
Regina wanted to ask her father what he knew of the man, but the worried look in her mother’s eyes made her hesitate.
“Perhaps he will not attend this evening. I think the duke may wish to remain a recluse and avoid all the gossip.” Louisa tried to reassure her husband, yet the frown on his face remained in place.
Who is this mysterious man?
Her heart fluttered again with the same curious tug as before. She couldn’t help but hope that she’d bump into the infamous Duke of Redham. The thought of seeing him in person made her skin tingle with a longing she didn’t quite understand.
Perhaps it had been the talk of affairs or even the scintillating talk of the duke taking a lover, but Regina couldn’t help but feel a deep longing for something more.
My new novel “A Scandalous Dance with a Widowed Duke” is coming soon! Stay tuned for the announcement!
Do you want more Historical Romance? Check out my latest Amazon Best-Selling novel, “The Wicked Duke’s Convenient Bride”!
Caught in a compromising position with a rakish Lord, Lady Tabitha Mayhew’s reputation teeters on the brink of ruin. Abandoned by the Lord and with scandal looming, Tabitha seeks a loveless and convenient marriage to protect her name and heart. Yet, soon a solution comes in the enigmatic Duke of Hillsburgh, a seductive man with mystery surrounding his past and name. As their settled match evolves though, Tabitha’s world will unexpectedly burst into passion.
Can her new husband teach her wounded heart how to beat again?
Matthew, the Duke of Hillsburgh, has long since locked away his heart. Twelve years ago, his beloved wife vanished without a trace, leaving him consumed by a relentless quest for answers and an empty dukedom in desperate need of an heir. When a marriage offer to the fiery Lady Tabitha appears, Matthew sees a chance to secure his legacy without the complications of love. However, from their first glance, a spark within him threatens to melt the ice around his heart.
If only his desire for his new wife could cast away his past…
As their wedding day approaches, an undeniable attraction between them grows, with Tabitha and Matthew having burning feelings they can no longer deny. However, as Matthew’s unresolved grief over his missing wife collides with his sizzling love for Tabitha, their marriage is put to the test. When secrets unfold and past betrayals resurface, can these two wounded souls leave their troubles behind and fill their hearts with riches? Or will the shadows of the past tear them apart forever?
“The Wicked Duke’s Convenient Bride” is a historical romance novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.
Grab my new series, "Lust and Love in High Society", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
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