Grab my new series, "Lust and Love in High Society", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Chapter One
Sophie’s heart raced.
Excitement filled her.
This was the best thing that had ever happened to her, she could not wait to embrace the big changes that awaited her.
“Are you alright, my love? You look a little overly excited. So does your little dog!”
Sophie turned to face her mother with a wide smile on her face as the carriage continued to drive the family down the cobbled streets. “Oh, I am quite well, thank you very much. I am truly thrilled about our upcoming adventure.”
She was a young lady who had spent her youth with her head in a book, reading about adventures and wondering if she would ever be lucky enough to leave Sweden, to see what the rest of the world had to offer. She had always been fascinated with England because it felt like the center of the world to her. The grand city of London with its fancy balls and exciting society nights… knowing that her father was originally from England, and that she had roots there, took hold of her imagination.
Her mother, elegant and composed as ever, nodded in agreement. “Yes, the beating heart of England awaits us all.”
Sophie’s father could not seem to take his eyes off the surrounding scenery as they rode, almost as if he was drinking in the last remnants of Sweden before it was taken away from him forever. Once they set foot on that ship, it was unlikely that they would ever return. Not that Sophie minded. She had spent twenty long years there, her whole life thus far, and she was ready for a change. She could not wait to see what England had for her.
“How long until we are at the shipyard?” she asked, trying to capture her father’s attention, to remind him that while he might have been struggling to leave all of this behind, she could not wait.
“We should be there any moment,” he murmured. “Then it is on to the Gracemeadow Estate.”
There was a deep hesitation in his voice, which Sophie could understand. This trip to London was not merely an adventure. It was not only a chance for Sophie to experience the grand London balls in the hope that she might find herself a nice English gentleman to spend the rest of her life with. A husband who would only make this adventure that much more thrilling.
They were also returning because his mother had fallen ill. Sophie’s father needed to return to England so he could help his parents, and hopefully nurse his mother back to health, even if it was perhaps unlikely because of her age.
Sophie fell into silence as she thought about that. No wonder her father was uneasy. His trip to Sweden all those decades ago was supposed to be a short one, just a fleeting visit to explore the world some more. Clearly, he did not know that he was about to fall in love with Amelia Louise Anne Frederick, sister to the Swedish queen.
It was very unlikely that he expected this to be his trip home.
But just as quickly as Sophie sunk into worry about her grandmother, her father finally faced her with a smile. “But we are going to have a wonderful time exploring London. Not only will we have the Season, during which time you can introduce yourself to the London ton, we will be able to attend operas and visit the museums… there are many places that I would like to take you.”
“Do you think that I will be lucky enough to make any new friends in London?”
That was the one thing that Sophie was worried about leaving behind. Her Swedish friends. She had spent years attending school with them, and had endless memories. Would she be able to replicate that in London?
“Oh my goodness, Sophie,” her father declared as he reached across the carriage to hold his daughter’s hands. “Of course you will make friends in London. The girls there will be very keen to meet you. You are going to have a wonderful time meeting new people and making friends who will be by your side forever.”
Her mother also offered her a loving smile. “Yes, your father is right. I am sure there will be plenty of girls looking forward to meeting you. Especially when they find out that your aunt is the queen of Sweden. I am sure that will garner you a lot of attention from the London elite. They love anyone with connections to powerful people, and a queen is one of the most powerful!”
Sophie’s smile thinned a little.
She loved her aunt and was so happy that she was the queen, but she’d had bad experiences in the past where people only wanted to be her friend because of her aunt. They had no interest in really getting to know Sophie at all. She did not wish to go through that again.
“Remember to be kind,” her mother said, misinterpreting the guarded look that had started to cross her face.
“And find friends who are also kind and true,” her father joined in. “I know that you have a good judge of character, my darling.”
The carriage rolled to a halt and as Sophie peered out the window, her heart skipped a beat.
There lay the shipyard, a bustling hub of activity, with sailors scurrying about, hoisting sails, and loading cargo, as passengers climbed aboard.
This was it.
The moment that her life would change forever, and she could not wait.
Ships were always the start of the greatest adventures, there was no better way to explore than to see new lands. This was the first time that Sophie felt as if she was stepping in to her real self, her real life… her first real adventure.
“Come on, Douglas,” she whispered to her adorable Scottish Terrier, her constant companion throughout her life. “Let us climb aboard and see where the ocean takes us.”
The ship was huge, and grander than Sophie was expecting. It made her feel a little like she was in the midst of a London ballroom. Especially since her parents seemed to know everyone aboard and they seemed intent on introducing her to everyone. At least it felt like everyone. She was going to have to get far better at recalling names when they were flung at her in a whirlwind.
Hopefully it would not matter too much on the ship.
Eventually, the family were led to their quarters by a sailor with weathered hands and a lopsided smile. The suite provided for Sophie and her parents was massive, with separate bedrooms, each with comfortable looking beds overlooking the ocean. It was obvious that they were not going to want for anything while aboard. The amenities were wonderful.
“Lunch will be prepared for you soon,” the sailor told the family as he backed out of the room. “Just as soon as we get moving, there will be food for everyone. I am sure you are hungry.”
Sophie had not realized quite how starving she had become, but the mere mention of food made her stomach rumble. She pressed her hands to her belly, embarrassed but keen none the less.
She got herself dressed, perhaps far too quickly, and found her parents still lounging about in their stateroom, on a luxurious sofa underneath a glistening chandelier. Impatience shot through her, she was not sure that she could simply wait here until it was time to eat.
“I am going to take Douglas for a walk,” she said. “I do not think he will be still. He is excited and wants to see the whole boat.”
“I do not believe that he is the only one,” her father laughed as he waved her away. “Go, but please be back in time to eat. We do not wish for you to vanish since we left your ladies maid to tend to the house while we are gone.”
Sophie’s heart raced as she places Douglas on the lead and started to walk. In this moment, it felt to her like she was walking through the hallways of a hallowed castle. Somewhere new, somewhere exciting, an adventure just for her. She passed the dining room, admiring how glamorous it looked, like it was prepared for royalty. But Sophie was far more interested in the sun shining down on the deck, and the sound of the waves lapping underneath the boat.
“How are you finding the ship?”
Sophie was surprised to whip around and find herself face to face with the captain of the boat, who looked genuinely interested in her response. “Oh yes, it is lovely, I love it…”
“I am not so happy,” another voice interjected. A gruff voice that truly matched the man it came from. “My room is not the one that I wanted. The room I specifically asked for has been given to a minor lord. I think I am the one who should have received it.”
Sophie’s eyes widened. She had no idea who this strange gentleman was, but his attitude was a little unnerving.
“Ah, Gustaf Brandon the fourth.” But the captain clearly had more information to hand. “You have been assigned to a room that fits your budget.”
The man scoffed and rolled his eyes. “It seems to me like you find new money shinier than old money. That is not an attitude that will get you very far.”
The captain shot her an apologetic look before he walked off with the angry man, leaving her to bask in the sunshine some more. She hoped that not everyone would have the same negative attitude towards this boat, because it was a wonderful vessel that was going to take them to somewhere shiny and new.
Sophie continued to walk and explore above deck while she waited for the boat to move. To try and distract herself from the rumbling in her stomach, she allowed her mind to wander, to daydream about what her life was going to be like in London. She thought about the dresses and the balls, the evenings out where she would get to mingle with the London elite. The Ton. Her father had told her a little about them as she was growing up, but now she was going to get to experience them for herself. To meet the nobles and lords who she would add to her dance card and maybe even court.
Of course her parents were hoping that Sophie would find someone to marry, but she wanted so much more than that. She wanted love—real love—a little like the love she had witnessed between her parents growing up. She wanted a man to look at her with adoration, same as her father did when he was looking at her mother.
She wanted the sort of love that featured in her favorite romance novels as well. She wanted it all.
Sophie was a little worried that she might not be able to find what she was imagining. That it might all be too much. She had also heard stories of girls like herself being forced to marry for convenience, just picking a man because they did not wish to be a spinster. That was not the way that Sophie wanted her life to be.
She sucked in a sharp breath of air and tried to recall the wise words that her mother would always say to her. That she just needed to stay true to herself, and that would lead her to real love. That her own parents might not have wished her to wed the English Marquess who was only supposed to be on vacation in Sweden, but that she had stayed true to herself and her heart which led her to be happy forever.
That was truly what Sophie wanted to happen, but she was endlessly terrified that she would not succeed in her mission.
It was that terror which was the only thing that threatened to overshadow her excitement in to starting a new life, and she did not intend to let that win.
Chapter Two
The view of the water had been a good distraction when he first boarded the ship. George had managed to distract himself from the mess of his life for a bit, but that had all changed…
Well now it was no longer working. Now it was all coming crashing down on him all over again and it felt like the walls were closing in on him.
He needed to get out of this confined little cabin, even if he did not really want to face anyone out there.
But he was not sure that he would be able to take another meal in his quarters. He knew the captain preferred it when people ate with him, so for a change, that was what George was going to do. With a deep sigh, he edged off the bed and forced himself to examine his wardrobe so he could find his finest suit. If he was going to eat with the rest of the patrons aboard this ship, then he needed to fit in.
He used to love wearing suits. He always felt the most confident when he was dressed in his finest clothing, especially when he was around his father because it made him feel worthwhile.
It made him feel right.
And that was his main problem. He had done everything right, just as he was expected to do, and it had gotten him nowhere. He had lost everything, including the respect of his father, through no fault of his own. All because…
No. He screwed his fists up angrily by his side as memories of the past threatened to consume him. No, I will not think about any of that. Not until I have to.
Returning to London was going to take him back to the past and everything that he had left behind. Everything that he so desperately wanted to forget. He loved his life when he was traveling, but he loved it even more in Sweden. He had set roots down there, and made a happy life for himself. He had everything that he wanted in Sweden… or nearly everything anyway.
It was not a life that he wanted to leave behind.
It was only the letter which was bringing him home.
The letter from his childhood friend, Matthew, letting him know that his father had unfortunately passed away, and urging George to return home for the funeral.
Matthew might not have known what happened all those years ago, and what sent George running for the hills, but he still seemed to understand that if he did come back, it would be difficult for him.
That was why he never responded to Matthew’s letter, because he did not want anyone to know that he was coming back. He also was not sure that he would have the courage to get on the boat. But he had, and it was not long before he would have to face everything.
It would not be for long, that was the main thing he had to remind himself. He would not be in London forever.
“I am not too happy about the food they have here…”
George would recognize that voice anywhere, especially when it was complaining. Gustaf was a grumpy lord who thought the world owed him everything. He did nothing but moan and smoke the Prussian Cigars that came from his homeland, which according to him were the best in the whole world.
“Oh, I do not agree with you there,” he heard Lord Edward Abernathy reply as the two men passed George’s quarters, just as he had cracked the door open. “I think they always have the best fish on offer.”
Edward could not have been more different to Gustaf, it was strange that they were friends. Edward was kind but boisterous. Always laughing. Perhaps that was why their friendship worked, because Gustaf could never bring Edward’s spirits down. No matter how hard he tried.
Unfortunately, the one person in George’s life that he was truly opposite to, was someone that he could never see himself getting along with.
His twin brother, Gregory.
“Ah, there you are, George.” His best friend’s voice snapped him back to reality. “I was wondering if you would finally make it to the dining hall aboard this ship. It truly is wonderful.”
George forced himself to smile for Sebastian, who was always sunny. “Yes well, I have heard the fish is very good.”
Sebastian laughed as he brought George inside and sat him down at a very grand looking table. The captain was at the other end of it, but Sebastian was too busy introducing him to the people sitting near them.
“This is Lord Heath Dashwood, Marquess of Gracemeadow, and Amelia Louise Anne Frederick, sister to the Swedish queen.” George nodded along as if he was drinking all of this in. “And this is their lovely daughter, Lady Sophie Dashwood.”
George could not ignore this person.
She was a stunning young lady whose regal appearance really struck him hard, making his heart pound like crazy.
Her long blonde hair, those piercing blue eyes, the dimples that popped up when she smiled… she was truly captivating. For the briefest of moments, she actually took his breath away. She may well have been the most beautiful woman that he’d ever been lucky enough to lay eyes on.
But he rapidly reminded himself that he could not look her way, or waste her time by talking to her. Not when he was a disgraced lord who would only bring him down with her.
George forced himself to snap his gaze away.
“It is lovely to meet you, Lord Harrington,” Heath declared in a friendly tone of voice. “I hope you are enjoying your journey to London as much as we are.”
“The journey is just fine, thank you very much.”
The trip over to London was never going to be an issue. It was going to be what faced him on the other side of the ocean that troubled him. The feud with Gregory that had probably gone on for far too long, and needed to end now. With their father gone, they did not have any other family. Only one another.
George wanted this meal to be a moment where he did not have to think of anything, certainly not the past, but unfortunately, he could not avoid it. It seemed that the more he surrounded himself with people, the more he kept thinking about what awaited him. Even if Gregory did not know for sure if he was going to be home or not, he had to be suspecting that he might.
Hopefully he was going to treat this reunion as a chance to make things right as well.
He slid his eyes closed for a moment, recalling the last time him and Gregory saw one another face to face, when terrible words were slung and fists too. When jealousy really got the better of Gregory and everything went to hell, all because of money, because of an inheritance that had been offered to George because he was the older twin.
No actually, that was silly. It was not because of the few minutes of difference in age, even if that was what they had been told at the time.
It was because George was always a little bit better at everything than his brother. With his studies as well as his athleticism, and he seemed to find life and socializing more straight forward as well. Gregory seemed to have issues with everything, and never wanted his twins’ help which would have made everything far more straightforward.
There had always been a divide there because of that, but naming George the sole heir to everything because he was the more responsible twin, and did not waste far too much of his time in gambling halls, had tipped Gregory over the edge.
In a fit of jealousy, Gregory had confronted George, yelling and screaming at him about the inheritance. It did not even seem to matter when George insisted that he did not want the title, only to see their family’s success continue. Words which had fallen on deaf ears and only seemed to wind Gregory up even more.
The squabble escalated and a few punches were thrown. By Gregory. But he had spent the whole day drinking and could not seem to land anything. He hit harder and harder, but never connected with George’s face.
Unfortunately, because he was so intoxicated, he tumbled and hit his head on a rock, all while screaming out obscenities the entire time, not listening to George’s pleas to just stop it already.
Even the gash on his forehead did not seem to silence him.
If that had been the end of it, it might have been alright, but that was just the beginning.
By the morning after, everything had changed. Changed for the worst.
Gregory went to their father and concocted a story about how George attacked him to ensure there was no other claim to the title. Believing his son because of the proof of blood, their father made the difficult, yet rapid in George’s opinion, decision to disinherit George, sending him away with only a small amount of money and the advice never to return to London.
He had never seen such disappointment in his father’s eyes, and that was the moment he realized that it did not matter what he had done in his life, how many of the rules he had followed, it would never matter.
George did not fight it.
He was not concerned, he simply wished to escape then. He did not want to face any of his family members again because it seemed like they had never understood or known him, and that they did not even care to.
George took only a few things, including a small fortune he had stashed away on top of his father’s money, and left for his own safety, knowing that Gregory might try again to harm him to ensure his inheritance.
And that was how he ended up in Sweden, where he had gone on to start a very successful business, eventually becoming a wealthy lord there.
He reminded himself yet again that he would not be in London for a long time. A week or two at most. During which time he would let Gregory know that he was only there to support him, to ensure that their family estate passed to him smoothly and that it was in good hands.
Then he could get back to his real life. To everything that he had built all by himself.
Everyone chattered around him, George could hear Sebastian charming the table with his wonderful personality and making everyone laugh, but George could not find the courage to engage himself. Not with this heavy weight pressing down on his shoulders.
Perhaps coming to the dining hall was a big mistake.
He was much more comfortable eating in his room where he did not have to worry about any eyes upon him.
Thankfully, the meal did not last too long. Or perhaps it just seemed that way because George was lost in his thoughts most of the time. It did not seem too agonizing an amount of time before Sebastian was leading him from the table and walking back to the room.
“There are some very nice families here, George,” Sebastian informed him. “I think it would be good for you to open up a little, to speak to some people while you are here. I know that this is not the nicest journey a person has ever had to take…”
“That is putting it mildly,” George interjected.
“Perhaps, but why not make it a little better for yourself? Why not socialize while you are here?”
George offered his friend a one shouldered shrug. He could not see any reason to argue this right now, even if it was the last thing that he wanted to do. He just wanted to make it, to get there to London without making too much of a dent in his life.
Then he wanted to return to normal and forget it all. Was that too much to ask?
“A Wicked Viscount’s Stormy Affair” is an Amazon Best-Selling novel, check it out here!
Sophie Dashwood, daughter of an English Duke and Swedish royalty, embarks on a London journey. Thrilled by the adventure and the promise of passionate love in the ton, she meets the enigmatic Lord Harrington, whose abrasiveness clashes with her romantic ideals. Yet, when a dangerous storm threatens her life, it’s his strong arms that save her, awakening a fiery passion within her. Upon her arrival though, Sophie learns that her brooding Lord is the returning son of a disgraced Baron.
If only his sinful kiss wasn’t that sweet…
George Harrington, a Viscount with a troubled past and a secret identity returns to London after years of exile following a bitter betrayal by his own family. Determined to unravel the truth behind his family’s scandal and claim his rightful place, he never expected to get tangled in a scandalous affair with Sophie. As his twin brother lurks in the shadows with eyes on Sophie, George’s dilemma between duty and desire intertwines.
Will he find the truth and save his tempting love from the hands of another?
As their lustful attraction grows among deception and danger, Sophie and George must withstand the tempest of lies. With Sophie’s depute exposing her to various manipulative figures and George wrestling with his past demons, will their love conquer the storm of lies that threatens to tear them apart? Or will their mysterious journey to love never reach its destination?
“A Wicked Viscount’s Stormy Affair” is a historical romance novel of approximately 60,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.
Grab my new series, "Lust and Love in High Society", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
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