Tutoring a Lady into Sin – Extended Epilogue


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Three Years Later

“I do not like this,” Percy said as he paced in the narrow hall.

“You must calm yourself, Brother,” Phineas commanded. “You will only make things worse by fretting over matters.”

“But it has been hours,” Percival returned as he lifted his hand to his mouth and gnawed on his thumbnail. Phineas had never seen his big brother quite so distraught. Percy had always been the talented sportsman, the one who was cool under pressure. He was not easily thrown, and he even handled the scandal surrounding their family all those years ago with aplomb. But his signature smile was not dancing on his face now, and as he stalked back and forth, making the floorboards creak, Phineas could see that he needed to do something to calm his brother’s agitated nerves.

“I have been present for the birth of over one hundred babies,” Phineas said after doing a mental tally. “I can assure you that both Albina and your child will be fine.”

“How can you make such a promise?” Percy demanded. “You are not even in the room.”

“But Christianna is in there,” Phineas reminded him. “She has become quite an accomplished midwife and is very skilled. She will not let any harm befall your duchess.”

Percival scoffed. “Neither of you has any business doing any of this.” He stomped down the hall and flung his hands wide. “You ought to have given up your profession long ago and never even entertained the idea of letting your countess take up midwifery as a hobby. It is simply preposterous.” 

Phineas stepped in his brother’s path to hinder him from going further. “You do not mean that,” he said quietly. “I know that you are consumed by your worries, but that is no reason to lash out at my wife or me. Do remember, we are both here to help you and Albina through this process and—”

“But why have I heard nothing yet?” Percy demanded. “I was given to understand that this would only take a few hours.”

“Sometimes babies arrive quickly, but other times a woman can labour for days,” Phineas explained.

All the colour drained from Percy’s face. “Days?” he echoed. “I am to suffer this way for days on end?”

Phineas tipped his head to the side, giving Percy a sympathetic look. “And you are just out here in the hall. Imagine how your wife feels? She is the one doing all the hard work.”

“Oh,” Percy said as he waved a dismissive hand, swatting away Phineas’ words, “Albina is a warrior. She has always been the stronger of the two of us.”

Phineas marvelled at his brother’s words. He had wondered if, after some time had elapsed, Percy would revert to his former rakish ways and leave his wife all alone at Bixby Hall, but Percy had not done anything of the sort. He was devoted to Albina entirely, and with each passing day, it seemed that their love only seemed to grow brighter and stronger.

“Perhaps you would feel better if you came back into the room with me,” Phineas suggested. He could not hear any whispers emanating from the room either, and he was feeling antsy, wanting to get back inside so he could check on his patient and offer Christianna his assistance.

“You want me to go in there?” Percy asked incredulously as a horrified look twisted his features. 

“It is customary for the men to wait outside, but if you are truly wondering what is taking so long, it would not hurt to have a peek inside the room,” Phineas replied.

“Ugh,” Percy groaned. “I am not sure I can do it. I do not think I have a strong enough constitution.”

“Then permit me to leave you for a few moments. I will just check on the ladies and—” Before Phineas could finish his sentence, there was a rapping on the door behind him. 

“It is time!”

That was his cue to get back to work. He nodded at his brother, then swung open the door to the birthing room. They were at Bixby Hall, and one of the guest suites had been arranged to allow for this very special occasion. Phineas and Percy’s mother stood near Albina’s head, whispering comforting words and sponging her forehead with a bit of clean cloth. Christianna was at the foot of the bed with both hands resting on Albina’s knees. “Are we ready, Doctor?” Christianna asked.

“Indeed,” Phineas replied.

Albina was an excellent patient and a strong woman. Once the process began in earnest, it was just a matter of moments before the squalling baby made his appearance.

“A boy!” Phineas announced as he cradled the newborn.

The dowager gave a triumphant cry. “An heir! The next Duke of Bixby is born.”

Christianna leaned forward and took the baby from Phineas’ arms. She cleaned the squirming child quickly and wrapped the baby in a soft blanket, then she handed him to Albina. “Your son,” Christianna said quietly. “Congratulations, Your Grace.”

Albina gave all those around her an exhausted smile, but then she fixed her eyes on her little boy and whispered quietly, “Hello, little one.”

“Shall I let Percival in now?” Phineas asked as he rose, went to the washstand, and scrubbed his hands.

“I am surprised he has not burst through the door already,” Christianna said as she joined him and began doing the same thing.

Phineas handed Christianna a towel to pat her hands dry, and after making sure he had done the same, he nodded toward the door. “Let us tell Percival together.”

But as soon as they opened the door, they did not have the opportunity to tell Percy anything. He rushed past them, ran straight to the head of the bed, and fell to his knees. “Oh, Albina! I have been so worried. When I heard the baby cry….” He leaned forward and rested his head on his wife’s shoulder. “The child is here. He has finally arrived.” He gave Albina a searching look then. “We do have a boy, do we not?”

She smiled serenely at him. “Yes, dearest. We have a son.”

Percy lifted his hand and shook his fist in a victorious manner. “Just as I suspected. A beautiful baby boy.” He leaned forward once more and placed a kiss on the babe’s forehead. Phineas and Christianna stood next to each other, watching all this unfold.

After waiting a long moment, basking in the glory of this birth, Phineas nudged his wife with his elbow. “Do you think we ought to tell them now?”

Christianna shook her head. “This moment belongs to Percy, Albina, and their child. I should not look to do anything to take away from that.”

“You are right, darling,” Phineas agreed. “Of course, we will just have to keep our secret a bit longer.”

At the mention of a secret, Phineas’ mother shot a concerned look his way. She had been hovering very near to Albina and the baby, but now, she relinquished her spot and sidled right over to Phineas and Christianna. “What are the two of you whispering about over in this corner? Is there something wrong with the baby? He looks perfect to me, but—”

“Everything is fine, Mama,” Phineas rushed to assure her. “As far as I can see, Albina has come through this ordeal swimmingly, and her child is going to be very healthy, indeed.”
“Then why keep secrets?” his mother demanded.

“You heard me say as much?” Phineas asked.

His mother gave him an exasperated look. “I want to know, Phineas. We cannot allow ourselves to fall back into old habits. Now that we have all pledged to be honest with one another, it is best that we stick to it. Come,” she commanded, “tell me what is going on here.”

“We are going to have a baby of our own,” Christianna answered as she ran a hand over her abdomen, which was still very slender. 

“We just came to that conclusion a few days ago,” Phineas explained, “but we are quite sure Christianna is with child.”

“Oh,” his mother cried as she lifted both hands and covered her mouth. “I am…overjoyed.” 

“As are we,” Phineas said as he reached over and laid his own hand atop Christianna’s. They shared a long look as the dowager collected herself.

She let her hands fall away from her mouth and whispered, “My children…both of my children…you have made me so happy. These last few years have been so challenging without Felton, but I know, if he were still with us, he would be just as proud…just as thrilled to know that his boy was bringing another blessed baby into this world.”

“Yes, Mama,” Phineas concurred. “I think Felton is likely smiling down upon all of us, keeping a watchful eye over everyone, and wishing us all the happiness we can bear.”

His mother’s eyes filled with tears. “I never knew that life could be like this.” She paused and shook her head. “This honesty…this sort of love…it is so freeing. I only wish I had learned how to live this happily long ago.” She glanced from Phineas to Christianna. “May I tell Percy and Albina the good news, or do you want to do that yourselves?”

Phineas laughed and looked at Christianna. “I suppose it does not matter,” she said. “If you could make sense of our murmurings just a moment ago, it is likely they have already overheard everything we have said to one another while speaking plainly just now.”

“We heard,” Percy said in a careful whisper. He lifted a finger and stroked his son’s forehead. “I am happy for both of you.”

“As am I,” Albina added.

The dowager clapped her hands together jubilantly. “We must celebrate this great gift we have all been granted.” She half-turned so she could address Percy and Albina as well. “Thank you all for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me. I cannot tell any one of you how very grateful I am to have each and every one of you and how it feels so unbelievably good to be able to share my real and true feelings and not worry over what anyone else might think.”

Phineas dropped his hand away from Christianna’s abdomen and wrapped that same arm around her waist. Once he had her pulled as close to his side as she could get, he leaned over and nuzzled her cheek with the tip of his nose. “We knew all this long ago, did we not, my love?”

“To be true to oneself is the greatest skill anyone can develop,” Christianna whispered sagaciously. Phineas kissed her affectionately on the cheek, then nodded his head in agreement.

“Yes, my dear, when a person can be wholly and completely honest with themselves and others, then they have accomplished a great feat, indeed.” He kissed her once more, simply because he could, then Phineas led his wife back to Albina’s bedside so they could join the family and revel in the happiness that awaited them all.


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17 thoughts on “Tutoring a Lady into Sin – Extended Epilogue”

    1. Incredible that people’s lives were dictated by society and “what ifs”!
      A wonderful story, appealing as well as thought provoking.
      Thank you
      Alicia Umaña

    2. I enjoyed this book so much. It totally entertained me. The characters were wonderful. You hated Percy but loved Phineas. I love this era in history.

    3. Another Wonderful story with love, suspense and a fantastic happy ending !!!! Thank you for this lovely entertainment !!!

  1. A very good love story and a lot of secrets that the family kept A good extended epilogue and glad Christianna and Phineas could lead their life as they pleased He a doctor and she a midwife

  2. A wonderful love story that I enjoyed reading. One household with so many secrets! It is unfortunate that people back then were so worried about their reputation with the ton rather than being true to themselves.

  3. A wonderful story filled with secrets and intéressent caractères. Rachat caractère learned how important truth is to one’s happiness.. Thanks for an intriguant story.

  4. Although I expected a happy ending I was quite amazed at the unexpected turn of events and the family disclosures and very happy that all turned out so well. I at times wondered! I loved the messages conveyed and the suspense! I am looking forward to reading many more books you write!

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