Risky Rules of a Passionate Governess – Extended Epilogue


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It was some 10 years later when Lady Katherine de Bowes and Lord Garret decided to have a ball at their new estate, Crawford Park. It took a great deal of time and effort to ensure that the estate was built properly, and just to Lord Garret’s liking. He took great pains to consult Katherine throughout the entire process, and Katherine was overjoyed when she first stepped into the new home with her baby son, Marcus, in her arms, and her young daughter, Emilia, walking close behind. They had become a happy little family in the first decade of their family-hood, and although Katherine thought that with time her need and longing for her husband would diminish, she had found that that was certainly not the case. 

Days were spent preparing Crawford Park to be the stately place that it was destined to be; a place where the bon ton and important dignitaries could come to visit. Katherine delighted in all the decorating choices, and her particular favorite was picking pieces of art to place upon the walls. There was an oil painting made of her likeness, per Lord Garret’s commission, and her husband said that he would often stand in front of it, marveling at what a lucky man he was. Katherine reveled in the fact that one day there would also be paintings of her children upon the walls, as well as their children, and the rest of the lineage that followed. Crawford Park would rival Bonhomie in many ways, which Lord Garret said gave him an immense amount of pleasure. But the two estates were so close to one another that the journey could be undertaken on foot in a mere twenty minutes. 

“You’re not overwhelmed,” Lord Garret said, kissing Katherine on the forehead. 

“Of course, not,” Katherine said. “Planning my first ball is nothing but exciting.”

“It’s a large undertaking.”

“But imagine how superior we’ll feel to everyone once they come into our home,” Katherine said humorously, and Lord Garret smiled. As Katherine planned for the ball, the children played with their maid, Prudence. Yes, Prudence had been brought over from Bonhomie because she was no longer needed there. Constance was a budding three and twenty, and Lord Harry was ten and six. Remarkable for Katherine to think that they had come so far. Although Harry was due to attend Oxford in one year’s time, Constance was out in society and it made Katherine’s heart beat with anxiousness. She felt as though Constance were her own daughter. 

“If you need anything, do not be afraid to ask for it,” Lord Garret finally said, bringing his hand up to Katherine’s cheek. 

“I shall, my love,” Katherine replied. 

As she continued with the preparations, Katherine’s mind returned to Constance once more. She had been upset of late, coming to Katherine with her fears that she would never find a husband. When the duke tried to take her into London for the season, Constance refused, saying that a fit of nerves would overtake her. It amused Katherine that Constance was so fearful, because she had turned into a girl of unparalleled beauty. When they walked into town, Katherine always noted the admiring glances. But Constance was bashful when it came to such matters. Still, she confided in Katherine that she did wish to take a husband. 

Katherine had already seen Elizabeth marry. Her sister had united with a barrister two years previously, and it delighted the Chance family to no end. Lord Garret insisted upon paying for the entire event and Elizabeth seemed very happy with her new husband. But for Constance, it was rather more difficult. Her station in life was such that she couldn’t just choose any man that caught her fancy. She needed to find a husband of exceptionally high birth. The duke would accept no less. And that’s where Katherine assumed that Constance’s trepidation came from. Whatever matchmaking Katherine could muster, she was going to employ it that night. 

And it was for that very reason that Katherine had invited Lord Joshua Knightly to the affair. Son of the Duke of Arden, Katherine knew full-well that not only was Lord Joshua of exceptional birth, he was also one of the handsomest young men that she had ever beheld, with a keen intelligence and excellent prospects in life. Katherine did not know why, but she thought that it might just be the match that Constance was hoping for. Her intuition dictated it. 

And so, when night was upon them and the guests started arriving for the ball, Katherine was pleased to see that Constance was wearing a charming green dress that accentuated all of her best features. Moments later, Lord Joshua stepped into the entryway and she made a formal introduction. 

“Lady Constance, this is a new friend of mind, Lord Joshua,” Katherine said, and watched as both of their eyes went wide. Yes, her intuition had been correct. They both seemed struck by the other.

“Good to meet you, Your Grace,” Constance said with a curtsy. 

“You, as well,” Lord Joshua replied with a bow of the head. 

In the silence that followed, Katherine began to make small-talk with Constance and noticed that Lord Joshua did not excuse himself but rather remained dumbstruck in Constance’s presence. Every so often, Constance looked back towards Lord Joshua and her eyes were sparkling. 

“If you’ll excuse me,” Katherine said with a delighted smile. “I must greet the rest of my guests.” Katherine was going to do just that, but she was also determined to eye what was transpiring between Constance and Joshua from a distance, and everything that she saw that night pleased her to no end. They were both bashful, finding ways to accidentally run into one another. Katherine could feel the tension between them, even from across the room. She wished more than anything that they might dance together. 

“You seem to have your head in the clouds,” Lord Garret said playfully, seated beside Katherine and holding her hand. 

“I’m doing a bit of matchmaking this evening,” Katherine said with amusement. 

“Who?” Lord Garret asked, trying to see where she was looking. 

“Constance,” Katherine said softly. 

“You’re going to give my brother a heart condition.”

“But look how handsome the young man is!” Katherine protested. 

“Darling, the last thing that I’m going to do is inspect how handsome you think that he is.”

“I’m merely saying it would be a fine match. The way that the two of them look at one another reminds me of . . .”

“Us,” Lord Garret said with a smile. 

“Yes,” Katherine said, a flush coming to her cheek. She found it remarkable that her husband still had that effect on her. Sometimes, when Katherine would go up to her room at night to lie in bed, she’d hear Lord Garret’s boots coming down the hall and her heart would pound in her chest. 

“Be sure that my brother approves,” Lord Garret finally said. 

“I think that Constance would much rather fall for a man that her father did not approve of.”

“That’s what I fear,” Lord Garret said, his jaw knit. Katherine could see that, since having a daughter of his own, many things had changed for Lord Garret. He no longer thought it fun to talk of Constance’s marriage. He had become a highly protective man. And he thought of Constance as his own daughter, just as Katherine did. 

But for Katherine, she did not fear for Constance’s honor. She knew that Constance was a fine young woman, and what’s more, Katherine gave up her own honor to find the love of her life. She wished that Constance would know such happiness for herself. It brought to mind just how much courage true love required. So many things in life seemed to work against it. That’s why one needed to be vigilant in choosing love. 

“She’s coming this way,” Katherine said with a smile.

“I fear you’ll be talking of lady matters,” Lord Garret said with a huff. 

“I do hope so,” Katherine replied. 

Finally, Constance was before them. “Auntie, I must speak with you,” Constance said. 

“And I’ll remove myself,” Lord Garret said, giving his wife a gentle kiss before he left. As her husband walked off, Katherine was brimming with happiness just watching him. Constance seated herself beside Katherine and the barrage of questions began. 

“I fear that Lord Joshua is giving me the most startling feelings,” Constance said, bringing a hand to her chest. 

“I know what you speak of,” Katherine said with a warm smile. 

“What am I to do? I want to speak with him, but my cheeks start to flush and my hands begin to shake,” Constance went on. “I’ve never experienced anything like it before in my life.”

“It’s natural,” Katherine replied knowingly. 

“It’s unsettling.”

“Merely try to breathe. You’ll get your bearings.”

“What if he asks me to dance? What should I say? How shall I act? Oh, Katherine, I feel like I’m coming undone.”

“This is how Lord Garret made me feel. Still makes me feel.”

“But it seems unnatural for such sensations to occur when I hardly know the man. Perhaps, these feelings will pass?”

“Or perhaps they will last for a lifetime,” Katherine said warmly. 

“Is this what love feels like?”

“It is hard to say,” Katherine explained. “Love can be very swift and insistent. It seems impossible to love someone that you hardly know, but I can say for sure that it does happen. Then, once you get to know the person and the love grows, you can be sure that you have found the right one.”

“I’m scared to be in love.”

“But there’s nothing to fear,” Katherine replied. 

“I’m scared to be a woman, to have a home of my own, and a new life.”

“I think you’ll find that, if it’s the right person, all of those experiences will set you free,” Katherine said, looking across the room and meeting her husband’s gaze. He was smiling warmly at her, and Katherine couldn’t help but anticipate when all of their guests would depart and the two of them might have time alone. 

“You are right,” Constance said with a smile, looking off towards Lord Joshua. Then she looked back towards Katherine. “Heavens, every time that I look over at him, Lord Joshua is looking at me!”

“Because you’re the most beautiful lady in the room,” Katherine said warmly, pushing aside a piece of hair from Constance’s forehead. 

“That is certainly not true.”

“Just be yourself when around Lord Joshua. There’s no need for artifice. You’re a remarkable young lady, and clearly, he already sees that.”

“Yes, I shan’t be afraid,” Constance said, taking a deep breath. “I will go over to the other side of the room and perhaps make conversation with him.”

“That sounds like a fine idea,” Katherine replied, watching as Constance got up from her seat and floated across the room. She laughed as Constance was approached instantly by Lord Joshua, and he put out his hand, asking for a dance. Katherine’s heart beat wildly in her chest with excitement. She said a little prayer that Constance would not be too nervous. As the dance began, Lord Garret returned. 

“It seems you’ve been successful in your matchmaking.”

“Look at the two of them,” Katherine said with a delighted smile. 

“The evening has been a phenomenal success,” Lord Garret said with pride, placing his hand upon Katherine’s shoulder. She delighted in the feel of it. 

“I couldn’t be happier,” Katherine said, unable to take her eyes away from the young couple that was dancing effortlessly in unison. 

“I’m the one that couldn’t be happier,” Lord Garret said, leaning in and whispering into Katherine’s ear. “I’m married to the most beautiful woman in the room.”

“That is not true,” Katherine replied, then laughed to herself, thinking that it was the very same response that Constance had given. She considered that beauty was truly in the eye of the beholder, and from the look in her husband’s eyes as he gazed at her, Katherine got the impression that perhaps she was the most beautiful woman in the world. At the very least, she was certainly the most loved one.


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Grab my new series, "Lust and Love in High Society", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!

75 thoughts on “Risky Rules of a Passionate Governess – Extended Epilogue”

    1. Love this extended epiligue as it not only focus on the main characters. If gives another segment or a shirt story. I enjoyed reading the main story as it includes IT challenges the Love and trust between Garret and Katherine. There is betrayal and reconciliation at the end. There is sex but cleanly presented. No skipping pages ON this. Thank you!

    2. Thanks so much for this wonderful epilogue that peeks 10 years into the future. I’m so happy that Katherine and Garret are still “madly” in love and have started a family. The thing that pleases me the most is that it looks like Constance has met her “future love” . I feel that another book needs to be written, this time, with ” Constance ” as the star. How about it? Can I count on you Henrietta??

    3. What a book. ..love every page I turn…I know a book is very good when I’m even slowly walking and reading to see what comes next…the ups the down…the deceit…the frustration….the strong love…love this book completely.

    4. Thank you for this wonderful story.And loved that you gave us extended epilogue 10 years on.Are we to see a story on Constance next.thank you Henrietta

    5. A great story, no childish fits and pretenses. But you left out a piece in the puzzle of the locket. I had hoped the duke and his family should have been told the history of the Chance locket. I was very interested to read about their reactions, not simply having Lord Garret hand over the locket back to Katherine.

      1. Thank you so much for your kind words and support, my dear Mwaba. I truly appreciate it!

        So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!

        Thank you again and have a lovely day!

    6. I absolutely loved this book and the extended epilogue. I was on pins and needles thinking how Lady Katherine was going to forgive Lord Garrett betrayal. It was handled beautifully and was very believable. I love the extra with Lady Constance finding her love. Now I need to know how that turned out.

    7. I enjoyed this story & how Katherine was drawn into this family from day one, how love shines through our actions & makes situations not only comforting for others but also stronger for ourselves. Thank you Henrietta .

  1. O my gosh, I read this book in one day. Ms Harding does a great job of with the Love/hate going on. I liked Lord Garret
    A lot better after he learned a painful lesson. Wonderful characters and very believable and you had me crying 3/4
    Into the book. I definitely give it 5 stars!

  2. I enjoyed the book very much but feel Roland should hàve been mentioned in the extended epilogue. I would like to read Harry’s story once he grows up and learn what happened to the third and fourth ruby heart pendants.

  3. I really enjoyed this story and I am glad that Katherine and Lord Garret found happiness and had children .The characters are very real the writer emotes the anger and the sadness as well as joy

  4. This is yet another triumph,and I feel that your plots are getting better. The extended epilogue are a great addition that finishes the storys brilliantly

  5. Such an extraordinary young woman, Katherine. A tortured path to HEA, but a great read to get there! Thank you.

  6. The story was much better than I initially thought when starting the book. Some parts felt odd, such as why did Katherine’s family not immediately inform the Duke that they had a locket when she was banished – they were after all supposed to be very valuable. Also when she returned to nurse Harry they found clothes for her, yet I would have thought her mother would already be organising some to be sent. Having said that it was still very enjoyable.

  7. What a wonderful story. Loved the characters. The story line was fantastic. Katherine and Garett had a wonderful story to tell. I loved it. I would strongly recommend you read this.

  8. I couldn’t put it down. I had to finish this book, I needed to finish it, in one sitting
    It did not disappoint.

  9. Nicely done! It was a great who-done-it with a fabulous romance to boot. I was hoping the Duke would find someone in the extended epilogue.

  10. Always love your stories and epilogues. I also agree with a new book on Charlotte then Harry. I also am curious about the pendants

    1. I was also wondering about the pendants and what the likeness between Harry and Peter was all about. It would be great to know how that story would pan out. This is the very first historical romance I have read, where I sincerely hope to hear more history and perhaps scandal of the protagonists ‘ predecessors. Well written, enjoyable and a jolly good, exciting story. A pleasure to read. Thank you Henrietta Harding, can’t wait to read more of your books.

  11. Another lovely story, I enjkoyed the plot but found it distracting that Garrett and Roland was continually reffered to as Lord Garret or Lord Roland did this or said that throughout the book. They needed to be addressed by their titles in conversation but then why weren’t Katherine and Constance and even Sybil written as Lady Katherine, Lady Constance i and Lady Sybil f the titles were needed within the story to provide consistency? Lord Garret was also addressed a number of times as Your Grace, but as he was not a Duke he should have been addressed as My Lord as was Lord Joshua being the sone of a Duke.
    I didn’t understand why Katherine’s family were not up in arms about the locket and demending it’s return if it was so valuable. This seems to be a lot of complaines but all in all I found ithard to put it down.

  12. I enjoyed the book very much! I think that the locket, being an heirloom of Kathrine’s family, should have drawn some kind of response from her mother and father when she was accused of theft and returned home without her own locket especially because it was supposed to be very valuable. I loved the extended epilogue. I wish that Roland had found a new love. He seems very in need of someone. Overall though I enjoyed the book. Thank you

  13. Another of your stories that kept me turning the pages. A great story of heart break and survival ending with a happy outcome. The extended epilogue completed the life of Elizabeth. The story didn’t clarify what happened to Sofia Was she fired and cast out as Katherine was. Roland was not mentioned in the extended epilogue either. I know his wife was his true love but it would have been nice for him to have met another lady I loved reading this story

  14. I read all but last few pages and epilogue in one sitting as didn’t want to put down. Great story and wonderful characters as usual. Thanks again for a great story.

  15. I feel Katherines parents and sister could have been mentioned more, expect towards the end. Or the father marching up to the door to see about his lovely daughter and how she had been treated. However it was a very good book oozing with lots of smashing characters , love and affection Thank you

  16. This storyline was marvelous with a complete array of strong emotions so central to the plot. I have a feeling that you have garnered interest in characters that need their own story. The lockets could be the underlying connector. I did think that Kat’s parents and sister should have asked for the locket to be returned along with an explanation about its origins. I did not quite understand why Elizabeth had all the jewelry from their grandmother and Katherine had none. The remarkable resemblance of Kat’s brother and the duke’s son could connect to some shared ancestry and the lockets. You are a gifted storyteller. Please keep sharing your talent.

  17. All I can say is this:
    I just finished the book and the epilogue. It is 2:24 AM !!

  18. I also wanted to know the connection for the 4 lockets and why didn’t they have any pictures in them to distinguish them. I also wondered why Elizabeth gave the locket and not their mother. I think Roland could have a new love in his life, maybe in a sequel. All in all I couldn’t put the book down, glad of the happy ending.

  19. Loved this story! It had me anxious to see how it would turn out between Katherine and Garret. Thought the two brothers may have fought over winning Katherine for themselves. Look forward to another story with some of these characters. Can we see this coming?

  20. I must ave missed something, what happened to Sofia? She asked not to be fired , but the problems she caused were very serious.

  21. Loved this book and the characters. I love the Lord Garret types – never going to marry, but then love slaps them upside the head. They fall very hard. I would like to see Lord Roland find a new love.

    I only have one criticism. Lord Garret should not be addressed as His Grace. He is not the Duke. Other wise this was a great reads.

  22. Wasn’t sure when I started this story that I was going to be entranced but it didn’t take long before I could t put it down. Finished it in one afternoon. Great read.

  23. Good book, but I was waiting to see how the two lockets were identical and why Peter and Harry looked alike. Is both families related.

  24. So glad that they got together in the end and that they forgave each other. Glad that they had a happy ending and had the rest of their lives together. Did Lord Roland ever remarry and did they have anymore children. Yet again another lovely story and could not put it down. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and support, my dear Lynda. I truly appreciate it!

      So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!

      Thank you again and have a lovely day!

  25. Good read. Had a hard time putting it down. Love that Katherine and Garret got their HEA that included children. Was left wondering how the lockets were connected if they were supposed to be custom made. Extended Epilogue was nice because it answered questions about other chapters in the book. Definitely refer to my friends. Keep them coming!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and support, my dear Dorothy. I truly appreciate it!

      So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!

      Thank you again and have a lovely day!

  26. Loved the book, even with all the ups and downs of Garrett’s and Katherine’s romance. Would enjoy a book about Constance and Harry as they venture into adulthood/love.

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