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Cliff Lodge, Seaborne, six months later
Jane placed the crystal bowl filled with pretty pink peonies, picked from the garden that morning, in the middle of the long dining table. She straightened, staring at it with satisfaction. There were quite a few people coming this evening, and she wanted everything to be just perfect.
She smiled slowly. She could have left all this to Mrs Jones, their housekeeper. It was her job, after all. But Jane liked doing things like this herself. Dressing the dinner table, adding touches to the house. Cliff Lodge was her home. The only home she wanted.
She smiled to herself, remembering how she had always loved the house. Back then, she had dreamt of owning it and living here by herself. But the reality was so much better than the fantasy. For now, she was sharing it with her husband. With Percy. And she really couldn’t imagine any other life at all.
The door opened, and Percy entered, dressed in his evening attire. “The guests will be arriving soon, my love,” he said. “It might be time for you to get dressed.” His eyes swept over the table. “It looks beautiful. You really do have a knack with decorating.”
Jane’s heart swelled with pride. She wanted their home to be beautiful…and it was.
“Tell me who is coming tonight again,” asked Percy, taking her hand. “I have been so busy in the garden that I have quite forgotten.”
Jane laughed. Her husband’s new project was transforming the gardens. He was almost zealous about it, saying he had discovered a new passion. While Jane added the finishing touches to the house, Percy worked in the garden. She felt like they were weaving a beautiful tapestry together. One that was uniquely theirs. And at night, they came together, talking at the kitchen wood stove just as they did that day of the storm, before climbing the stairs to bed and entering another world entirely.
“Papa, of course,” she replied. “Freddie and Matilda. Marianne and Henry.”
He nodded. “Perfect. A very small dinner party.” He kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose. “You did not hear back from Charles, then?”
Jane shook her head. She had been hesitant about inviting her old friend, but she had done it, thinking perhaps they could start over. But apparently, Charles was away. And there was a whisper sweeping through town that he had eloped. But no one knew who the lady was yet.
But perhaps someone at the dinner party would know more. Her heart lurched with sorrow. She and Charles had once been so close. But now, she didn’t know a single thing about his life anymore. And she didn’t know whether that would ever change.
Two hours later, the guests were all seated, and the first course arrived. Jane gazed down the length of the table, noting everyone.
There was Papa, who was a frequent visitor to Cliff Lodge. He sometimes helped Percy in the garden. She had been worried about him, thinking he would be lonely without her, but as he was so often here, it was almost like she had never left home. Or as if her home had become his.
Marianne was here, sitting next to her husband, Henry. They were like two doves turning to each other. Her sister had persuaded her husband to sell their home in Brighton and move back to Seaborne. To Jane’s delight, her sister was now a neighbour.
Seated opposite them were Freddie and Matilda. Jane’s suspicion that they were falling in love had proved correct. They were married now and very happy in their own home in Seaborne.
And then, there was her husband. He was at the head of the table, pouring her father a glass of good claret, laughing at something the older man had said. Jane loved seeing how close they had become. In fact, Percy often said that his relationship with her father was better than his relationship had been with his own father.
Jane turned to Marianne. “Have you heard anything about this gossip concerning Charles?”
Marianne nodded. “I have indeed,” she said, suppressing a laugh. “It is all true. He has eloped, headed to Gretna Green. And the lady with him is none other than Beatrice Prescott.”
“No!” Jane’s jaw dropped. “How can that be? She would never deign to marry a man like Charles! He is not wealthy enough, nor does he have a title.”
Marianne shrugged. “I have asked around, and apparently, they are in love,” said her sister, rolling her eyes. “Wonders will never cease.”
Jane was so astonished she didn’t know what to say at all. The fact that Charles and Beatrice had plotted together to separate her and Percy, only to find love with each other, was simply astounding.
“It just proves that one never knows what is around the corner,” said Jane, shaking her head incredulously. “But if it is true, I wish them luck.”
Marianne took a sip of wine. “But that is not the only gossip doing the rounds of Seaborne, sister,” she whispered. “The other piece of gossip involves our very own dear cousin, Lucy.”
Jane picked up her wine, taking a deep sip, without speaking. She still couldn’t quite let go of her anger towards her cousin after what Lucy had tried to do. And even after her cousin had written her a long letter of apology, saying that she was ashamed of herself and begging for Jane’s forgiveness. Jane hadn’t trusted that the girl was sincere, thinking perhaps she was only offering an apology to get into Jane’s good books since she was now the Countess of Carlisle.
And she was hesitant to let Lucy back into their lives. She didn’t trust her cousin. Perhaps she never would.
“What is it?” asked Jane in a tight voice.
Marianne leaned closer. “Lucy has fallen in love, as well,” she said, her eyes wide. “And do you know who her paramour is?”
Jane shrugged her shoulders. “I know nothing of Lucy’s life anymore.”
“Mr Ingles,” said Marianne, her mouth twitching. “He is about to become a vicar. And our Lucy is going to become a vicar’s wife.”
Jane almost laughed, thinking of that day when her cousin had violently rejected the idea of ever marrying a man with such a low station in life. Lucy had spurned the idea of becoming a vicar’s wife. And now, it seemed that was exactly what she was to become.
“It seems rather unlikely,” said Jane, taking another sip of her wine.
Marianne raised her eyebrows. “Yes, I know. She is such a fortune hunter. Who would ever have thought that she would accept such a man?”
Jane frowned. “She must be in love. There can be no other reason. Lucy is young, beautiful, and dazzling. She could certainly bide her time and wait until a superficially better offer comes along.”
“I think the same,” said Marianne. “In which case, it is a very lucky thing for our cousin that you made the decision to marry Percy, Jane. It not only gave you your love match, but it also paved the way for Lucy to find one, too.”
Jane smiled wryly. The irony of it was not lost upon her. Who would ever have thought when Lucy was scheming to marry Percy that this was how it would end for her? She imagined Lucy would never have contemplated it then.
“Do you think she has always favoured Mr Ingles but fought it because of his lowly station?” mused Jane. “Or that she gave herself permission to pursue a love match after the fact?”
Marianne shrugged. “It is difficult to know,” she said. She looked intently at Jane. “Why do you not call upon her and find out?”
Jane was taken aback. “Call on Lucy? I do not know if I can do that, Marianne. I do not trust her as far as I can throw her.”
“She has written to you to ask for forgiveness,” said her sister in a gentle voice. “She is very young, Sister. And perhaps she is genuine in her desire for reconciliation. Why not give her a chance, at least?”
Jane sipped her wine, a thoughtful expression upon her face. She just didn’t know if she could do it. Was there too much water under the bridge between them?
However, the next day she got into the carriage, telling Percy that she was going shopping. But instead of heading to the shops, she told the driver to take her to her uncle and aunt’s home in an outlying village.
Her heart pounded uncomfortably. She hadn’t wanted to deceive her husband, but she knew Percy would worry about her if she told him her true destination. He hadn’t forgiven Lucy yet either for what she had done. He might have insisted upon accompanying Jane to protect her. And Jane really needed to do this alone.
Lucy was seated at the pianoforte when Jane walked into the parlour. Her cousin looked shocked to see her.
“Jane,” she said, standing up, her blue eyes wide.
“Lucy,” said Jane.
They gazed at each other for a moment, before Lucy collected herself, asking her to sit down. There was another moment’s uncomfortable silence before Jane decided to break the impasse.
“I heard a rumour that you may be getting married,” she said. “Is it true?”
Lucy blushed. “It is true,” she said slowly. “Mr Ingles proposed, and I have accepted him.” She took a deep breath. “I know that his station is lowly, but he is a dear, sweet man, and I have come to care for him.” She looked away, embarrassed.
Jane sighed. “Then I am truly happy for you, Lucy,” she said slowly. “Happy for your upcoming marriage, but also happy that you have chosen a love match and put aside your ambitions.”
Lucy’s eyes filled with tears. “Your approval means so much to me, Cousin.” She paused, looking uncomfortable. “I have searched my soul since we fell out, and I am trying to be a better person. I apologise again for what I did to you and the earl. I am terribly ashamed.”
“Why did you do it, Lucy?” she asked. “How could you have wished to hurt other people for your own ends in such a way?”
Lucy’s bottom lip trembled. “I justified it to myself that the only thing that mattered was gaining a great match,” she said. “I told myself that you clearly did not really care for the earl because you kept insisting on remaining a spinster. And I thought the earl would come to terms with marrying me eventually. I was determined to be a good wife to him.”
Lucy looked down at her hands, struggling to continue. Jane waited patiently. She knew that Lucy needed to just talk, and this was probably cathartic for her.
“But after you agreed to marry him, it all changed for me,” continued the lady. “I had lost your good opinion. My uncle and Marianne were angry with me as well. I felt so terrible.” She took a deep, shuddering breath. “I questioned everything. The pursuit of a great marriage suddenly lost its allure. And then I slowly started to realise how sweet Mr Ingles was and how patiently he courted me, waiting for me to discover it.”
Jane smiled gently. “You allowed yourself to fall in love with him.”
Lucy gave a small smile. “Yes, I did. I know my parents are disappointed in me, but I simply do not care. And I shall be proud to become a vicar’s wife…if he is my husband.”
“And I am proud of you, Lucy,” said Jane, in a gentle voice. “Following your heart takes bravery. Fighting against convention takes courage. You are turning into a woman you should be proud of.” She hesitated. “You have my full forgiveness, Cousin. I wish you much happiness.”
Lucy looked so gratified that Jane felt tears spring into her eyes. She still didn’t know whether she would ever fully trust her cousin, but it felt good to finally let that part of her past go. Lucy was looking into a bright future, and she wished the best for her. She truly did.
That evening in their chambers, Jane sat at her dressing table, brushing her hair. She turned to her husband, who was reading in bed.
“I saw Lucy today,” she said.
Percy’s eyes widened. He put down the book. “What happened?”
Jane sighed, placing the hairbrush on the dresser. “I called upon her,” she said slowly. “When I told you I was going to the shops, I went to my uncle’s house instead.” She hesitated. “I did not want you to worry about me and I needed to speak to her alone.”
Percy was silent. “I see. Yes, it was probably something you wished to do alone. How was she?”
“Very happy,” she said, smiling slightly. “Our Lucy has fallen in love and is to marry a vicar.”
“What?” Percy looked shocked. “I never would have foreseen that. She was so ambitious and ruthless about it.”
“I know,” said Jane, shaking her head incredulously. “It shocked me too. But she told me that she has done much soul searching and that she has put aside her ambitions. And when she did that, she gave herself permission to fall in love.” She smiled slowly. “I told her that I am happy for her and that she has my forgiveness.”
Percy sighed. “It is good of you, Jane,” he said. “It is good to let the past go.” He grinned suddenly. “Both of us have learnt that the hard way.”
Jane’s heart twisted. “We have indeed. And I am never letting the past influence the present or future again. It felt good to forgive her. As if that part of our life is gone forever.”
“It is gone,” he said, in a soft voice, his eyes warm as they beheld her. “Come to me, wife.”
Jane felt the familiar fluttering of desire. All it took was for Percy to look at her in a certain way or speak to her in a special voice, and she was ready for him. Their lovemaking had only gotten better in the six months since their marriage. Now, she couldn’t imagine how she had ever thought she could live without him.
They kissed with abandon, twisting themselves into each other. His body was as familiar to her as her own now and so beloved. Her head fell back, closing her eyes in ecstasy as his hands swept over her body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Her nipples were so hard and swollen with need, that when he brushed against them, she cried out.
He dipped his hand into her moistness, stroking and caressing her, bringing her to the very brink of rapture. But before she felt that delirious climax crash over her, he settled himself between her legs, entering her with a power and command that took her breath away.
Jane gasped. As always, she was taken aback by how beautiful it felt when his body first joined with her own. And it went beyond that as well. It was as if his soul was enmeshing with hers. She never felt closer to him than she did at this initial moment, with him so full and deep within her.
He started to move within her, slowly at first, then with increasing speed. Her hips arched, urging him on. He was taking her to that very edge of ecstasy, a place she was so familiar with now and inhabited on a daily basis. She couldn’t imagine living without that, either.
Suddenly, he gripped her tightly. Jane felt the tension within him about to unleash within her. The fierce storm of his desire. At the same moment, her own body exploded. It felt like a thousand tiny stars raining down her spine. She cried out as he poured himself into her, writhing in ecstasy. The essence of him entwining with the essence of her.
After it was over, she settled into the crook of his arm, sighing with contentment. Her hand fluttered to her belly. There was something she must tell him.
She hadn’t been sure, but now she was almost certain. One of the times when they had joined, their bodies and souls had created a tiny speck of life within her. It was a mere seed yet, but it was growing, getting bigger by the day. Their child.
Jane sat up, staring down at him. Her heart was beating erratically.
Percy frowned. “Jane, what is it?”
She took a deep breath. “Percy…we are going to have a child.”
He gasped, staring at her in sheer wonder. His eyes dropped to her belly, still so flat, with no hint of the life growing within.
“A baby?” His voice was a whisper. “Our baby?”
Her eyes filled with tears. “Yes. Our baby. I wanted to be certain before I told you, and now I am.” She hesitated. “Are you happy?”
“Happy?” He stared at her as if she were mad. “I am over the moon!” He grabbed her, kissing her fiercely, wild kisses all over her face. “I am the happiest man in the world, Jane, and it is all because of you. And now, the life growing within you. I vow that I shall love and protect our child forever.”
Jane couldn’t speak. She simply gazed at him, her heart expanding so much that she thought it might explode.
To think that she might have missed out on this life with him. To think that the babe within her belly might never exist. She knew that the vow she had made to her mother was always meant to be broken. It had taken her a long time to resolve herself to it, but now, she thanked the stars above that she had.
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Grab my new series, "Lust and Love in High Society", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Hello my dear readers. I hope you enjoyed the book and this Extended Epilogue! I will be waiting for your comments below. Thank you so much! 🙂
I loved every word of this book and am looking forward to your next. Please keep writing for us the Regency lovers.
Thank you dear Patricia!
Stay tuned there is more coming!
It’s the best story I’ve ever read, couldn’t put the book down. I even read until 4:30 in the morning AM that is, the story held my interest just couldn’t put the book down. Thank you for such a great read.You and your family have a great Thanksgiving. Alice Wallen
Thank you dear Alice! Stay tuned there is more coming!
The story line was great, I had a hard time not jumping ahead but there was to much sex for me and I did have to skip ahead at those places!
Thank you so much for your kind words and support, dear Jo!
Loved the extended story.
Thank you dear Janis!
Stay tuned there is more coming!
A wonderful story and extended epilogue
Thank you dear Gwen!
Stay tuned there is more coming!
A delight to read!
Thank you dear Evelyn!
Stay tuned there is more coming!
Very enjoyable.
Thank you dear Carole!
Stay tuned there is more coming!
Wonderful story. Greatly enjoyed reading. The ending was paramount and the Extended Epilogue brought the ending to a wonderful conclusion.
Thank you dear Mary!
Stay tuned there is more coming!
A wonderful story. I enjoyed it very much.
Thank you dear Sylvia!
Stay tuned there is more coming!
I enjoyed your story thank you.
Thank you dear Delores!
Stay tuned there is more coming!
You are a wonderful writer who brings characters alive. Your plots bring important questions to mind-what is love, how does it impact our lives. You also bring to life the Regency period and the need for people to know themselves and be honest in their interactions. Thank you.
Thank you dear Adrienne! Stay tuned there is more coming!
Wonderful characters with complex backstories and issues. I enjoyed the twist and turns you took them thru to finally find their HEA with all the loose ends tied up in a big happy bow. We’ll done!
Thank you so much for your support and lovely feedback, dear Mary!
Enjoyed the book. Couldn’t wait to see what would happen next. Thanks for the entertainment.
Thank you so much, my dear!