Grab my new series, "Lust and Love in High Society", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Jenny walked slowly towards the end of the garden path, gazing out over the rolling hills that seemed to spread before her like a blanket of verdant green. It was a chilly day; a hint of the winter that was about to come. She tightened the white shawl that she had wrapped around her shoulders before venturing out for her habitual morning walk.
She smiled slowly. This was the most beautiful vista that she had ever beheld, and one that she never tired of. The very first time that Benjamin had brought her here after their wedding day, she had known that she was home in a way that she had never felt before. As if this large manor house, and the landscape, had beckoned her, like a lost child, into its folds.
Her smile widened, as a deep sense of fulfillment swept over her. It had been five years since she had first come here, as a scared, anxious bride. The new duchess, desperately trying to do the right thing, even though she had no idea what that was. This manor house, nestled in the hills of Surrey, was apparently a minor property that Benjamin owned; part of his duchy’s assets.
The bigger country manor where his father resided was out of bounds then, and so they had decided to set up married life here until the storm over their nuptials had settled. Two years had passed before the old duke had begrudgingly decided to forgive his son, and to receive them at the main manor. But by that time, they had already made this their home, and Jenny could not imagine living anywhere else.
She knew that one day they would probably move to the main manor, but she kept resisting it. She did not know how she would leave this place when the time came, but she guessed they would cope with that like they had coped with everything else since they had first been married.
She was so lost in her reverie that she didn’t hear the footsteps behind her, until there was a small hand tugging at her skirt. She turned, staring down, her heart-melting.
“Mama.” It was Teddy, her oldest son, just four years old, and as precocious as a jumping bean. His blue eyes were shining. “You must come back to the house! Aunt Susan and Uncle Lewis have arrived!”
“Oh my goodness, they are early,” said Jenny, scooping the golden-haired boy up in her arms. “Did Papa send you out to fetch me?”
The boy nodded self-importantly. “He said that I must fetch you, and to tell you that Meg is awake and calling for you, as well.”
Jenny tickled him, in the stomach. The boy bent over, laughing, trying to squirm out of her hands. “Well, we had better go inside then, hadn’t we? We cannot keep your little sister waiting either. She will cry and we cannot have that, can we?”
Teddy shook his head. She set him back down on the ground, taking his pudgy hand in her own as they walked slowly back towards the house.
She felt a twinge of excitement. She had not seen Susan and Lewis in over three months. Even though they lived close – only five miles away, on a dreamy country estate – they had been leisurely touring the continent, and had only just arrived home with their three small children last week. She simply could not wait to catch up on her dear friend’s latest adventures.
She had grown used to having Susan close. During their first year of marriage, Susan and Lewis had lived abroad in Rennes, France, so that he could work, and Jenny had missed her desperately. But eventually, after the arrival of their first child, a blonde-haired girl named Rose, they had decided to return to England to bring up their family.
Benjamin had helped them find Gabaldon House, just five miles away, and soon they were settled. Two more children had followed for the Leeson family, and Jenny was over the moon that her own children were growing up with Susan’s as their close cousins.
She gazed down at the golden hair of her son. Teddy’s real name was Edward, named for Benjamin’s father, but he had never been called it. Just like Meg, their two-year-old daughter, had never been known by her baptismal name of Margaret, either. Benjamin had named her, as well, for his late mother. But Meg’s second name was Ellen, for her own sweet mother.
Margaret Ellen, thought Jenny, with satisfaction. A name fused from both their worlds.
She had never forgotten her own family, as humble as they were. After the initial shock that their daughter was about to become a duchess, they had started speaking to her again. And they had even accepted a small cottage along the coast of Cornwall, as a gift from Benjamin. Her mother and father were retired, now, living a life they could never have dreamt of.
It had taken a while, but everyone had come around eventually.
They were almost to the door when it suddenly opened. It was Benjamin, standing there, grinning at her. In his arms nestled Meg, her small head resting on his shoulder, and her thumb in her mouth. She looked just like a china doll, with her big blue eyes, pale skin, and dark chestnut hair.
“There you are,” said Benjamin, his eyes raking over her. “The Leeson family are in the drawing-room, bursting with news of their travels.”
Jenny smiled at her husband. “I cannot wait to hear all the news.”
He held out his hand to her, and she took it. They all walked together, hand in hand, back into the house. Her little family. Just as they approached the stairs he leaned over, whispering in her ear.
“You look divine today,” he whispered. “I simply cannot wait to take you in my arms tonight, after they are all abed…”
Jenny grinned, turning to him, a mock stern look on her face. “Not in front of the children,” she whispered back.
He looked shamefaced, nodding, but his blue eyes were bright with desire and the promise of what was to come.
Jenny shivered. Suddenly, she simply could not wait for the day to be over, either.
Susan was sitting on the floor of the drawing room, playing with her two youngest children, Arthur and Gerard, when they entered. Lewis was standing next to the mantelpiece, his hands towards the roaring fire in the grate, as was their eldest, Rose.
Susan’s eyes lit up, and she sprang to her feet, almost hurtling towards Jenny. “Oh, it has been an age!” she cried, embracing her friend tightly. “We have so much to catch up on!”
Jenny smiled, her heart almost overflowing. Dear Susan. If it hadn’t been for her, these past few years and her sage advice on how to be a ‘real lady’, she did not know how she would have managed her new life at all.
It had been overwhelming in that first year, when her dear friend had been in France. The servants at this manor had heard rumors that the new duchess had once been a servant, like them, and had been wary with her. She had made many mistakes, and sometimes they treated her disrespectfully. Often she had felt as if she were still performing a masquerade, play-acting at being a lady.
Benjamin had dealt with all of that, of course, but it had still been hard. Slowly, they had come to respect her, but it had taken a long time. And it was only after Susan had come back to England, and set up home so close, that she had felt herself settling into her new role at long last.
But she still had to pinch herself, when her title was announced.
The Duchess of Beaufort.
During all of it Benjamin had been by her side, whispering words of encouragement, when her courage had started to fail. He had never wavered in his belief that they had done the right thing; that their love was worth all the hardship they must endure. From the moment they had exchanged their vows, and became man and wife, he had been by her side, loyally supporting her.
She simply did not know how she had deserved such a fine husband.
Teddy had come almost a year to the day after their wedding, and then Meg, two years after that. They were a family, now. A close-knit family, that did simply everything together.
She had never been happier in her life.
“Come,” said Jenny, to her friend. “Let us sit down, and you can tell us, about all your travels. I simply cannot wait to hear your adventures.”
Later that day, when the children were all upstairs resting under the strict eyes of their nannies, she and Susan wandered the vast grounds of the estate, arm in arm, in companionable silence.
“You know,” said Susan, when they reached the end of the walk. “As wonderful and exciting as it was to see all those beautiful countries and cities in Europe, this is still my favorite place in the world, and always will be.” She paused, her eyes roaming the hills in the distance. “It is true, what they say. There is no place like home.”
Jenny squeezed her arm. “I still cannot believe that we are neighbors,” she said, following her friend’s gaze to the landscape beyond. “And that we are allowed to call upon one another as equals…”
Susan turned to her, a look of amazement on her face. “I do not believe you, Jenny Bamber,” she said slowly. “Are you still feeling like my maid at heart, even after all these years?”
Jenny sighed. “I know that my life is real. But yes, at heart, I do sometimes feel that it is too good to be true. That somehow, it is all going to be snatched away from me.” She hesitated. “How many people get everything that they want from life, Susan?”
Susan frowned. “Jenny, you are being superstitious,” she said. “It has been five years, for goodness sake! You have a husband who worships the ground that you walk upon, and two beautiful children. Even the old duke has accepted you, at long last. No one is going to take it away from you, my friend. You must relax, loosen the grip on this old fear.”
Jenny’s eyes filled with tears. “I suppose it is superstition,” she said eventually. “There is an old folk tale about a girl who pretends to be something she is not and pays for it in the end.” She hesitated. “My mother used to tell it to me, when I was a little girl. I suppose its message sunk in…”
Susan snorted loudly. “A folk tale! Are you telling me that all this needless fear is because of a silly bedtime story?”
Jenny shrugged, feeling foolish, but she still could not let it go.
Susan swung her around. “Listen to me, Jenny Bamber,” she said, in a stern voice. “You are the Duchess of Beaufort now. It does not matter anymore how or where you started in life. The point is, to live in the moment. To appreciate everything that your life is now. It will not be taken away from you. You must believe me.”
“I suppose,” said Jenny, frowning slightly.
“Remember what you told me,” said Susan fiercely. “The duke, when he proposed, telling you that you were a true lady at heart, and always had been. It is true, Jenny. Not every maid could have made the transition that you have to this new life, but you have handled it with aplomb. With true grace and style.” She paused, gazing at her intently. “You have handled it because of who you are, deep down, and always have been. A clever, kind, witty lady, who just needed the chance to flourish and become who she truly is.”
Jenny gaped at her friend.
“I always saw it,” said Susan. “Why do you think we became such good friends, and why I insisted that we play that game of dressing you up for the duke? Because I knew that you were more than you were born to, and just needed the opportunity to become who you really were inside.”
Jenny’s eyes filled with tears. She felt a knot dissolving inside her at her friend’s words.
Maybe they were true. Maybe she had always been meant to become the woman that she now was. Maybe it had been her destiny, all along.
That night, after Susan, Lewis and their children had left, Jenny kissed her children good night before trailing up the staircase towards the marital bedchamber. She felt exhausted after the whirlwind visit, but also strangely exhilarated, in some way.
She shivered, with anticipation. Benjamin had promised that they would lie in each other’s arms tonight, and she had felt his warm gaze upon her all through dinner.
I am the luckiest woman in the world.
He had proven to be a wonderful husband. Not only had he supported her in her new role, right from the start, but he had bent over backward to help her desire to improve herself. He was constantly buying her books, which she devoured. They often discussed them, deep into the night.
But it wasn’t only that. The deep physical attraction that had pulled them together to begin with had not diminished with time. They had fallen deeper and deeper in love with each other, and he had skilfully made love to her, every night. She blushed slightly, thinking of the passion that burnt between them. It was simply astounding that he still desired her as fiercely as he had since they had first lain together.
I am the luckiest woman in the world.
A wonderful husband. Two beautiful children. A perfect home. She did not care about the trappings of wealth and position that came with her new life, but she knew better than to dismiss the benefits of these. She had come from a hard background and always thanked the Lord that her own children would never go hungry like she sometimes had.
She opened the bedroom door. He was sitting up in bed, reading a book, but he put it down quickly, staring at her with burning eyes.
“My love,” he said, reaching out a hand towards her. “Come to me.”
She smiled, acquiescing. On the edge of the bed she sat down, gazing at him steadily.
“Jenny Bamber,” he said, his eyes trailing over her. “You are more beautiful than the day that I first laid eyes on you, and that is saying something.” He picked up a strand of her hair, letting it fall between his fingers. “Not a skerrick of grey in there.”
She sighed with pure love. “Why do you always call me Jenny Bamber?”
“Because that is who you are,” he said, pulling her towards him. “The Duchess of Beaufort is only a title, my love. And because I am proud of who you are.”
She smiled quizzically, into his chest. It was strange, but somehow she believed him.
It had been so hard for him, at first. She knew how much effort it had taken for him to finally accept her for who she was, before they were married. But it was as if as soon as he had made the decision, everything had changed for him.
He wasn’t ashamed that she had once been a maid. He wasn’t embarrassed by her in the least. Rather, his love and admiration for her had grown stronger. Now, he proudly proclaimed who she had been before she married him.
It was a mystery, but one that she was forever grateful for. She didn’t know if she could have borne it, if he had regretted his decision to marry her.
“I love you,” she whispered against his chest. “I love you so much.”
“Just as I love you,” he whispered back, into her hair. “And I always will. Nothing will ever change that love, Jenny. You are mine…forever.”
He pushed her beneath him, on the bed, hovering over her. Then slowly, he bent his head, kissing her, in a lingering way. She felt the familiar surge in her blood, whenever he touched her. That fierce desire for him, that never abated.
“Just be careful,” she whispered, her eyes alight with mischief, as he kissed her neck. “I might be in the family way again…”
He pulled back, staring at her. “Really?”
She nodded, her hand hovering over her belly. “I think so,” she whispered. “I will soon know for certain. Are you happy? A third child…”
He grabbed her, pulling her up, so they were both sitting atop the bed. He took her hand, kissing it tenderly.
“I am over the moon,” he said, gazing into her eyes. “You know that I have always wanted a large family.” He looked a little regretful. “I suppose I should leave you be…”
“Why?” she whispered, leaning forward, and biting his earlobe. “It shall not hurt the babe, if there is one. How could it? It was conceived in our love, after all.”
They didn’t say another word. Slowly, he leaned over her, blowing out the candle so that they were in sudden darkness.
She felt his hand on her again, and the searing caress over her flesh. She closed her eyes in ecstasy.
She was exactly where she wanted to be. And she was exactly who she wanted to be, at long last. As if she had finally grown into the role, and the woman. The lady.
She was Jenny Bamber, the Duchess of Beaufort. A perfect fusion of both worlds. And she wouldn’t change a single thing, of her past. All of it had led to this moment, to lying in this man’s arms, with her children sleeping down the hallway, and another perhaps nestled in her belly, waiting to be born into their love.
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Grab my new series, "Lust and Love in High Society", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Hello my dear readers. I hope you enjoyed the book and this Extended Epilogue! I will be waiting for your comments below. Thank you so much! 🙂
This was a beautiful love story . The only thing missing was a little more suspense and conflict ,would have loved more interaction with their family members but then again this is what you do for a living ,so who am I to criticize !
I am glad you liked it, my dear Sue!
What a beautiful love story. Thank goodness there are people in the world who are willing to break the rules, especiaaly when the need to be broken. The EE finisned the story in a positive way.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support, dear Margaret!
Aptly described what I was feeling after reading the book
Thank you so much for your kind words and support, dear DR. Apurva!
Oh my Goodness… I simply loved loved this book Henrietta! You are an amazing author, I love all your books,but this is an absolutely beautiful novel! I love it! I love it!
Thank you so much for your kind words, my dear Raeesa!
Absolutely loved this book ! It was a perfect mix of upstairs, downstairs . Thank you for a few hours of pure enjoyment’
I am so glad to hear that, my dear Pat!
the absolutely BEST story i have read in awhile. Just wish her parents or his had shown up at the wedding…or there eas mention of doting grandparents in the extended section. But still a story i am going to read sgain.
I am so glad to hear that, my dear Suzan!
Lovely book, loved the Cinderella outcome and made me wonder if in real life people who took this chance changed the rules allowing people to choose their mates?
Great job keeping Susan and Jenny’s love stories separated not confusing the two. I have read some books where the author would get names confused! I would have liked for Benjamin’s friend maybe to have met her. You kept implying that she recognized him but never made that connection other than he was the man that left through the back door at Whites. Another hit read! Thanks
Thank you so much, my dear Susan!
Loved this book read it with much anticipation, couldn’t put it down. Much enjoyed, thank you .
I am so glad to hear that, my dear!
Another great read!
As always, this book kept me immersed in the story as your novels usually do. The class distinctions in England always troubled me as well as how they snubbed the lower classes and failed to bring their standards of living to not have to work so hard to feed their families. Happy the Duke succumbed to love and married Jenny even though she was a lady’s maid. Lovely story.
Many thanks, my dear Joan!
I enjoyed this book it was plenty of times when I dropped it in shock screaming lol thank you read it non stop
Thank you so much for your kind comment and support, dear Aliyah. Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
A very good story and extended epilogue the cannot help who it loves
This was indeed a fairy tale. The commoner falling for the Duke but the Duke fell first. Amazing that he fell for her so hard and fast. The two women were very lucky that things worked out the way they did. The epilogue was a lovely end so I didn’t have to wonder. Love your writing.
Thank you so much, my dear Susan!
You have managed to do it again. A delightful story that has a beautifully written plot. The characters are portrayed brilliantly, and the extended epilogue again is a fantastic finish to the characters story’s. I can’t wait for your next offering.
This is a wonderful story. A sequel would be fantastic, and would provide a way to further explore the challenges the couple faced. Perhaps the story would focus on Timothy? Just a thought. 💞
I will keep that in mind, my dear Lisa!
This is an amazing book you have written Henrietta. Thank you so much I enjoyed it so much.
I am so glad to hear that, my dear Jody!
I loved this story. I was so glad to read it from a mostly male perspective. A great love story, well written, well edited, very enjoyable read. But, then again, I always enjoy your books!
I am so glad to hear that, my dear Vikki!
A wonderful story. Proved love wins. Thank you for writing it. I sat up late i couldnt put it down. Looking forward to your next book.
Another wonderful story. I loved that the Duke fell for Jennie at first glance and as their love progressed it was like reading Cinderella without the stepmother but Susan as Jennie’s fairy godmother. The extended epilogue was just the right ending! I look forward to your next fascinating book!!
Thank you so much for your kind words, my dear Dorice!
I was sad to see Timothy did not check on his former girlfriend ( was she married , children, single etc. I sometimes think about what happened to friends we haven’t see for years. Timothy could be another story on his quest to find her.
I will keep that in mind, my dear Bambie!
Yes, I would love a Timothy book!
A wonderful love story with so much emotion, love the plot of the story. But it could have been more spicy.
Thanks for letting me know, my dear Jamesetta!
What a touching, beautiful love story! Thank you so much.
Loved the story and the characters. Classes are still prevalent
today. Glad Jenny was able to make the transition from maid to Duchess. Everything turned out beautifully.
I am so glad to hear that, my dear Karen!
I loved the story. I loved Jennie and Benjamin. Great story.
Lovely. Did not want it to end. So thankful for the extended epilogue, which cleared up many of my questions
Was hoping to read what the other maids had to say about the union.
Overall beautiful
I loved Jenny and Benjamin. He was so conflicted when he found out who she really was, but his love won out.
I am so glad to hear that, my dear Linda!
What a lovely story so beautifully written. Both Jenny and Benjamin are characters that you wish you could get to know in real life. My heart broke for Timothy, a dear man who felt forced to abide by society’s rules, never to experience the life he would have had with his true love. Well done!
I am so glad to hear that you liked it, my dear Jeanie!
Loved the book
I am so glad to hear that, my dear Wyllis!
I really enjoyed reading this story and the extended epilogue just finished it off for me.
I am so glad to hear that, my dear Pauline!
Another lovely story to enjoy reading, Henrietta. Thank you for continuing to write.
A truly lovely book.i am a Male and I thoroughly enjoyed it,couldn’t,t put it down,and the extended epilogue.
I hope you write some more stories like this one,and all for 99p.
Chris greenwood. Mr.xx
Stay tuned for more my dear Christopher!
What a book. I loved it. I liked that you threw in an intimate moment but not so over done. The Cinderella story kept me fascinated I didn’t want to put it down. I am so glad the Duke made the decision he did. I love happy endings. Keep up the good work and God bless
Thank you so much, my dear Nancy!
Loved this book. It really used imagination in an unusual way.
Thank you so much, my dear Ann!
A well written beautiful love story. I loved all the characters in this book. The extended epilogue completed the outcome of Benjamin,Jenny,Susan and Lewis perfectly but I was a bit disappointed in Timothy not been included. Did he ever look for his lost love ? Was she married ? Did he find happiness in marriage and have a family ? Maybe another love story waiting to be written !!? I do hope so It would be a nice closure to know his outcome Thank you for an excellent most enjoyable read Looking forward to your next book
Henrietta never disappoint…love the ups and down of Jenny and Benjamin ..true love really can break down any barriers…want to hear what happens to Timothy in a next series…Thank you I couldn’t put the book down💞
It is almost five in the morning and I have just finished this book. I kept telling myself to go to bed but I had to finish the book. It was so good. It was heart breaking to know how bad some were treated. It still holds true today. Thank you for letting the story end with love winning.
I am so glad to hear that, my dear Alena! Stay tuned for more!
What a beautiful story, so glad to read the extended ending. Thank you.
I am so glad to hear that, my dear Linda! Stay tuned for more!
Enjoyed the book ever so much. I needed something to bring me out of the doldrums from this terrible pandemic. This book certainly did that. Looking forward to your next book and hoping maybe Timothy will be back so that he can gain a happy life.
Stay tuned, my dear Chris!
Spectacular book!! Enjoyed it immensely!
Thank you so much, my dear Kay!
Another great one Henrietta! I loved the fact that Susan saw people for who they could become not because of their station on life. A terrific love story of 2 couples overcoming hardships in both cases.
Truly wonderful story to read. I couldn’t stop reading it until I read to the end.
Really enjoyed the story. It just shows how when two people are in love there are no boundaries that cannot be gotten over and how in the end the rest of the family all come round. Really enjoyed the story. Keep up the good work
Beautiful love story! Well written without a lot of details in their sex life. I liked the friendship between Susan an Jenny. They remained friends even after they both found their happiness. Also having children brought happiness into their lives.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support, my dear Dorothy. I truly appreciate it!
So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Thank you again and have a lovely day!
Enjoyed the book very much and how everything worked out in the end with realistic solutions. I would have really enjoyed reading the epilogue at the end of the book instead of having to go read it on my computer.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support, my dear Ilene. I truly appreciate it!
So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Thank you again and have a lovely day!
The Love story was like Cinderella story. You should always believe in Love always. That is what the world needs now.
Thank you so much for your kind comment and support dear Mary. So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
I really enjoyed this story. It was filled with love and heartache that would have happened in those days. But love conquers all in the end. I would like to think that somewhere at sometime this could really happen. You are a great writer and you take us along with a story of forbidden social love. I look forward to more of your books.
Thank you so much for your comment and support, my dear Lorna! So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
A wonderful story and I enjoyed it very much
Thank you so much for your kind words and support, my dear Gwen. I truly appreciate it!
So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Thank you again and have a lovely day!
This was one of the most unforgettable books I have read and I read everything. Your story was beautiful And put together so perfectly it made me want to cry. The ex tended part was the icing on the cake and would have been incomplete with out it. I can’t wait to read more of your books keep writing.
Thank you so much dear Judy! I am truly humbled by your loving support! This is the kind of comments that make a writer want to keep on writing! ♥️
I enjoyed this story very much. It was like two in one with both Susan’s love, and Jenny’s. The whimsical friendship was believable. Their happy endings were creative and sweet. I am curious about Timothy’s story. Is he going to get his happily ever after? Do tell me the title for that!
Thank you dear Carie for you heartwarming comment! I am glad you enjoyed it!
A delightful story. It’s gratifying to know that, even in real life, some are courageous enough to ignore the “rules” about crossing the social lines.
Loved the story. Some twist and turns, enough to keep the interest. Would have liked a little more interaction with their families. All in all a great book.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support, my dear Karen!
So glad you enjoyed the story!